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e ai que tenho três livros de autoria publicada que fiz praticamente tudo neles e vou fixar esse post aqui com os três pra download e todos...

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008


em 31 de agosto de 2008

“Tô aproveitando cada segundo antes que isso aqui vire uma tragédia”
– Pitty, “Na Sua Estante”

“Perfect party, I wanna stay with you... perfect party, see your smile at me.”
– Dead Fish, “Perfect Party”

A algumas horas atrás, acabei de voltar da casa da minha grande e adorável amiga, Marília Fernanda Pereira de Freitas, já que hoje (31 de agosto) é seu aniversário! Foi incrível, realmente incrível. O aniversário da mamãe (comentado na postagem Geburstagfeiern! – nesta postagem, no terceiro parágrafo, eu até falo sobre o aniversário da Marília) já abriu o mês com chave de ouro, agora o aniversário de Frau Garou fechou com chave de ouro. Os dois foram aniversários real e incrivelmente fodásticos, nos quais me diverti-para-caralho sem precisar encher a cara! A festa tava excelente, a comida não estava menos do que perfeita, conheci gente nova (Frauen Suellen und Débora), vi o bebê da Tayanna com o Eri (num sei o primeiro nome completo dele, do qual este Eri é derivado!) e, de quebra, ainda vi um dos meus melhores amigos, o Plácido Melo Lourinho. Foi realmente ótimo!
Marília, Betão e Frau Cohen, obrigado de todo o meu coração pela festa incrível! É por essa e por outras que eu amo vocês de verdade!

Pra fechar essa postagem, tem esse poema (monstro) que escrevi pra Fabíola Figueiredo Reis (só pra variar, né?) chamado Poema Completo Para Professora Fabíola (finalmente um com título, né?!?). Espero que ela goste quando eu passar pra ela amanhã!

pessoas vêm e vão
trocam-se idéias lembranças, memórias,
sonhos, vontades, amores, tristezas,
eu me sinto mais completo e mais feliz em sua presença?
quando você está perto de mim é como se não existisse chuva e medo e raiva e desespero...
é como se o sol brilhasse sempre!
onde você está agora além de dentro dos meus pensamentos?
você consegue ouvir minha voz quando eu digo o seu nome?
eu devo demonstrar
completa apatia ou radiante felicidade
por estar sentindo o que sinto por você atualmente?
podemos ser amigos
todavia eu seria o maior mentiroso do mundo
caso eu dissesse/afirmasse que desejo somente a sua amizade!
não desça da sua parada!
não seja somente uma lembrança!
não me interessam as vantagens e as desvantagens que venham no pacote
contanto que, no final, fiquemos juntos.
seria pedir demais que você não vá?
que você fique por aqui
(no mínimo, para todo o sempre)?
é pedir demais... pedir que você fique por mais tempo
para que eu possa gravar em minha memória e em meu coração:
a doçura e o formato de seu rosto,
o tamanho e os contornos de seu corpo,
o sabor e a energia de seus lábios,
o brilho e a profundidade de seus olhos,
a maciez e a temperatura de suas mãos,
a vivacidade e a singularidade de seus sorrisos,
a particularidade e o timbre de sua voz?!?
como é que eu me sinto pensando em você?
é como... e como eu me sinto bem pensando em você...
você se sente bem quando alguém diz que se sente bem
só de pensar em você
só de pensar e lembrar que você existe?
tomara que sim... tomara que sim...
eu sou um idiota... mas um idiota que quer ter as suas mãos nas minhas...
como agir corretamente para conquistar você?
não saber a resposta desta pergunta
é estar e andar cego... com muletas... em um campo minado...
como proceder honestamente para ter o seu coração
pulsando em uníssono com o meu?
e só de pensar...
em seus olhos e em suas mãos
em sua boca e curvas e pele e cabelos e voz...
ah!, como isso me impede de cair
em verdadeira tristeza
em inegável depressão
em incomensurável e honesta solidão...
mas, ah, ai de mim por te querer
querer você e o seu coração!
ai de mim por te querer toda!
você toda que, mesmo sem saber, também reside atualmente
no infindável e interminável canteiro de obras conhecido como meu coração.
tu que chegaste
sem data para partir!
ai de mim por me apaixonar e morrer de amores
por você toda e por quaisquer nenhuma outra
e não te ver!, não te tocar!, não te ouvir!, não te sentir!,
e permanecer vivendo neste processo-de-quase-morrer...
sendo sustentado somente por o que sinto por você.
será que é este o preço a ser pago por se querer alguém
e também estar ao lado desse alguém de mãos dadas?
é como se não existisse lugar para ir e nem onde se esconder...
caso me pergunte(m) o que foi que vi em você
(in?)felizmente não saberei responder...
acho que foi o todo ou o não-sei-o-quê que somente eu posso ver e sentir
porém não consigo explicar!
todos têm o direito e o dever de serem felizes
... inclusive nós dois..
então... por que não podemos ser felizes juntos como dois e um?
é por você que eu não durmo...
é em você quem eu penso durante madrugadas...
eu sonho... mesmo acordado... com suas mãos nas minhas
com seus olhos (seus belos e doces olhos) dentro dos meus...
se eu encostar em você, tu quebrar-te-ás
como uma boneca de porcelana?
se eu beijar você, tu desfazer-te-ás
como um castelo de areia?
é isso o que acontece com caras como eu
quando verdadeiros anjos como você
surgem radiante e maravilhosamente belos.
vou desenhar um sorriso em meu coração
só por você existir!
aceite meu coração
e todos os bons sentimentos bons
que sinto e nutro por você
desde a primeira vez que vi você
e me encantei...!
se somos nós
que construímos nossos paraísos...
por que você não pode estar no meu...?

:: .. :: poema escrito em 22, 25 e 26 de agosto de 2008 :: .. ::

“Por que gostar de alguém vai ser sempre assim?”
– CPM22, “Irreversível”

‘té a próxima!

quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2008


(Brett Gurewitz)
Like a rock,

Like a planet,
Like a fucking atom bomb...
I’ll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness
That I encounter everywhere I turn,
I’ve seen it all along
In books and magazines,
Like a twitch before dying,
Like a pornographic sea.
There’s a flower behind the window,
There’s an ugly laughing man,
Like a hummingbird in silence,
Like the blood on my door,
It’s the generator.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, like the blood on my door,
Wash me clean and I will run
Until I reach the shore.

I’ve known it all along,
Like the bone under my skin,
Like actors in a photograph,
Like paper in the wind.
There’s a hammer by the window,
There’s a knife on the floor,
Like turbines in darkness,
Like the blood on my door,
It’s the generator.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, like the blood on my door,
Wash me clean and I will run
Until I reach the shore.

(Greg Graffin)
A refreshing plunge, a drink of palatable water,

A deep inspiration on a warm summer day.
A safe stroll in a middle of the road community,
A neighbor who in times of need will not turn away.

I ain’t no politician, I am a citizen
And I wonder if I’m thinking too far out of bounds.

Community protection, rehabilitation,
Police that serve without legitimate right to maim.
Global awareness, ecological guilt,
Cultural and environmental awakening.
I ain’t no optimist, I try to be a realist
And I think that we’re living too far out of bounds.

Is it too much to ask?
Could it be the earth is shrinking?
I can see the walls closing in,
No one can take much for granted anymore.

Remote control, three cars for every family,
Corruption at the expense of the simple majority.
A violent clash, a plunder of the third world,
Any wretched ploy that bolsters our economy.
I ain’t no blind supporter, I’m a conscious citizen
And I know that we're living too far out of bounds.

I ain’t no politician, I ain’t no blind supporter, I ain’t no vegetable
I am a citizen and I wonder if I'm living too far out of bounds

Is it too much to ask?
Can we keep the earth from sinking?
I can see the walls closing in
No one can take much for granted anymore
(You better not take it for granted anymore)
I’m not taking nothing for granted anymore

(Greg Graffin)
A sullen figure walks along a dusty road,

His life was holy and he couldn’t bear the load.
He left his people and a simple life behind,
He raised his torso and looked into the sky,
Shouting his questions, looking for directions.
“What do I do now?”

Now a confused schoolgirl stares at the TV tray,
The stresses of maturing compound every day.
She glances up to see her favorite video
And gets ideas from Madonna’s nasty clothes.
In need of affection, she craves a direction
Her heroes offer her.

Everyone’s looking for something
And they assume somebody else knows what it is.
No one can live with the decisions of their own.
It seems so they look to someone else
To tell them what to do,
Tell ‘em what to wear,
Tell ‘em what to say,
Tell ‘em how to act and think
And compel others compulsively
Until the world is all like them.

A righteous student came and asked me to reflect,
He judged my lifestyle was politically incorrect.
I don’t believe in self important folks who preach
No Bad Religion song can make your life complete.
Prepare for rejection,
You’ll get no direction from me,
You’ll get no direction from me.

(Greg Graffin)
Every day we profit so,

Leaning towards the great unknown,
Asking how it pertains to tomorrow.

Aim for places we’ve not been,
Trample paths that go between,
Yesterday’s foundations and tomorrow.

It’s the way they say it’s got to be,
We spear ahead and forge our destiny.
Who do they represent?
Who do you believe?
Make a sound decision for others to heed.

Try to set a faster pace,
Try to build a master race,
One that will make a contribution to tomorrow.

It’s the way they say it’s got to be,
We put aside our fears and make history.
The clothes are in the dryer and the writing is on the wall,
We're doing everything we can to stop this fall.

Everyday we profit so,
Leaning towards the great unknown.

(Brett Gurewitz)
There’s a light on in the hallway,

So I can’t understand
Why you hide underneath the covers.
There’s a baby in your womb,
So don’t be scared tonight
Raggedy Ann is in the closet picking posies.

Two babies in the dark,
Like diamonds in the sand,
While papa’s far away making up children’s stories.
The little one’s inside,
So afraid to be alone,
She’s trying to be brave until the daddy comes home.

So if you chance to see her,
Please tell her it’s alright
‘Cause everyone fights the tendency to snap.
Sometimes it’s not a matter of being brave and strong
‘Cause noises in the house are terrifying.

Two babies in the dark,
Like diamonds in the sand,
While papa’s far away making up children’s stories.
The little one’s inside,
So afraid to be alone,
She’s trying to be brave until the daddy comes home.

I’ll put you to sleep at night
Like a foreign movie,
I’ll sing you lullabies
And I’ll teach you about everything,
And I’ll only ask one thing,
Please save me.

(Brett Gurewitz)
As I walk beneath the valley,

I shall fear no evil,
‘Cause thanks to King George and his rainbow cabinet,
Today murder is legal.

God I know that it’s wrong,
To kill my brother for what he hasn’t done,
And as the planes blacken the sky,
It sounds like heaven is falling,
It sounds like heaven is falling,
You promised me a new day a dawning.
I’ve seen a thousand points of light,
Like so many points of hatred, shame and horror.

God I want to be a man,
But I don’t want to die with a rifle in my hand,
And as the planes blacken the sky
It sounds like heaven is falling,
It sounds like heaven is falling,
You promised me a new day a dawning.

Well nothing here looks new to me,
But a score of mothers’ sons,
Caught ‘tween the devil and the deep blue sea.

(Brett Gurewitz)
Everybody wants to dance in a playpen,

But nobody wants to play in my garden.
I see the hippies on an angry line,
Guess they don’t get my meaning.
I’m enchanted by the birds in my blossoms,
I’m enamored by young lovers on the weekend,
I like the Fourth of July
When bombs start flashing...

And I wish I had a shiny red top,
A bugle with a big brass bell would cheer me up
Or maybe something bigger that could really go pop!
So I could make the gardening stop.

Come out to play, come out to play,
And we’ll pretend it’s Christmas Day
In my atomic...

All my scientists are working on a deadline,
So my psychologist is working day and nighttime,
They say they know what’s best for me.
But they don’t know what they’re doing.
And Im glad I’m not Gorbachev
‘Cause I’d wiggle all night
Like jelly in a pot.
At least he’s got a garden with a fertile plot
And a party that will never stop.

Come out to play, come out to play,
And we’ll pretend it’s Christmas Day
In my atomic...

I hope theres nothing wrong out there,
Im watching from the room inside my room.

Come out to play, come out to play,
And well pretend it’s Christmas Day
In my atomic garden!

(Greg Graffin)
Long ago in a dusty village

Full of hunger, pain and strife,
A man came forth with a vision of truth
And the way to a better life.
He was convinced he had the answer
And he compelled people to follow along,
But the hunger never vanished
And the man was banished
And the village dried up and died.

At a time when wise men peered
Through glass tubes toward the sky,
The heavens changed in predictable ways
And one man was able to find,
That he had thought he found the answer
And he was quick to write his revelation,
But as they were scrutinized
In his colleagues eyes,
He soon became a mockery.

Don’t tell me about the answer
‘cause then another one will come along soon.
I don’t believe you have the answer,
I’ve got ideas, too.
But if you’ve got enough naivete,
And you’ve got conviction,
Then the answer is perfect for you.

An urban sprawl sits choking on its discharge
Overwhelmed by industry,
Searching for a modern day
Savior from another place
Inclined toward charity.
Everyone’s begging for an answer
Without regard to validity,
The searching never ends,
It goes on and on and on for eternity.

Don’t tell me about the answer
‘cause then another one will come along soon.
I don’t believe you have the answer,
I’ve got ideas, too.
But if you’ve got enough naivete,
And you’ve got conviction,
Then the answer is perfect for you.
(The answer is perfect for you.)

(Greg Graffin)
Come and see the brilliant light,

Don’t let your emotions mask your sight,
It’s the manifestation of a deeper fight
That affects me and you.

My optimism was running high,
A new world order was on my mind,
But I couldn’t believe it when I heard them say
They're blowing it away.

And the fertile crescent is burning today
And baby, my emotions are too.
The cradle of humanity has led us all astray
And we’re all in this together, don’t you know,
‘Cause our species has nowhere else to go.

Aggression rears it’s ugly head,
Retaliation brings further dread,
The two are linked by unseen threads
That wind back through time.

I don’t agree with this outdated trend,
Nationalism is an evil friend,
But hatred is instilled by invisible lines
Drawn in our minds.

And the fertile crescent is burning today
And baby, my emotions are too.
The cradle of humanity has led us all astray
And we’re all in this together, don’t you know,
‘Cause our species has nowhere else to go.

(Greg Graffin)
You took a time bomb

And a case of crackers
And you made a maelstrom of organic debris.
Then you took a work bench
And a rusty anvil
And you polished them for everyone to see.

You have created an unhealthy monster,
Yet you’re nowhere but nowhere to be found,
So I guess I’ll just cope with my provisions
From now until the day they lay me down.

You took a baboon
And made him perfect,
You took a lion
And stripped him of his pride.
Then you took a million more varieties,
A scalpel and a sartory,
And you stitched up a horrible surprise.

You have created an unsocial monster
Yet you’re searched for all over the globe,
And most believe that things would sure be better
If you’d come down here and tell us what you know.

Who is to blame for this?
Someone tell me please.
His handiwork is flawed
And its there for all to see.
Mutations, aberrations and blatant anomalies,
They multiply and give rise to this... monstrosity.

You took the most abundant smallest bits of matter
And you instilled them with affinity,
And then you stratified accumulations,
Weeded out bad variations
Blended up your unique recipe.

You have created a powerful monster
With direction and purpose all its own,
And if you were here,
Would things be any different?
Or are you just a mosaic of thoughts alone?

(Greg Graffin)
Transfixated on the big blue screen:

Your window to the outside,
A melancholy dream,
A medium upon which you build reality.
This episodic currency,
That everybody needs.

Somebody’s delivery lulls you to sleep.
The man behind the weather map,
The editor in chief,
They control the worlds
Of power and disease,
And you cannot supress your curiosity.

See, it’s only entertainment:
Superficial urgency,
Posterboard mentality.
Only entertainment.
Tightly constrained,
The buzz that remains
Is the story of how we run our lives.

Hey! Many are the people poor and suffering
From the lack of coverage
From the transmission beam,
And if it ever gets there,
You’ll be offended too
‘Cause you cannot distinguish
Chicanery from truth.

See, it’s only entertainment:
A superficial episode
As life continues to unfold.
Only entertainment.
Controlled and copied,
They’ve planted the seed
That sprouts into your picture of the world.

Can't someone protect me (turn away, turn away)
From this electron beam? (turn away, turn away)
Hey you, Mr. FCC, (turn away, turn away)
Have you no advice for me? (turn away...)

See, it’s only entertainment.
Only entertainment,
Only entertainment.
Unoffical facts simply
Leading you to poverty.
Only entertainment,
Only entertainment,
Only entertainment.

Kat und Annie, das ist zu Sich!

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008


:: Kelly Clarkson ::
:: 2007 ::

(Jimmy Messer / Kelly Clarkson)
I hope the ring you gave to her
Turns her finger green.
I hope when you’re in bed with her,
You think of me.
I would never wish bad things,
But I don’t wish you well.
Could you tell ‘bout the flames that burned your words?

I never read your letter
‘Cause I knew what you’d say.
Give me that Sunday school answer.
Try to make it all okay.

Does it hurt to know I’ll never be there?
Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere.
It was you who chose to end it like you did.
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you would do
Don’t say you simply lost your way
She may believe you
But I never will
Never again

If she really knows the truth,
She deserves you.
A trophy wife, oh how cute.
Ignorance is bless.
But when your day comes,
And he's through with you.
And he'll be through with you.
You'll die together but alone.

You wrote me in a letter.
What you couldn’t say right to my face.
Give me that Sunday school answer.
Repent yourself away.

Does it hurt to know I’ll never be there?
Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere.
It was you who chose to end it like you did.
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you would do
Don’t say you simply lost your way
They may believe you
But I never will
Never again

Never again will I hear you?
Never again will I miss you?
Never again will I fall to you?
Never again will I kiss you?
Never again will I want to?
Never again will I love you?

Does it hurt to know I’ll never be there?
Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere.
It was you who chose to end it like you did.
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you would do.
Don’t say you simply lost your way.
They may believe you
But I never will.
I never will.
I never will.
Never again.

You’re going crazy,
Running on empty,
You can’t make up your mind,
You try to hide it,
But you had to say it,
Restless all this time,
So completely drained from every thing that’s in your life,
It’s so wrong but you had to scream every thought you kept inside,

One minute you laugh,
The next minute you’re slowly sinking into something black,
I get the feeling that lately nothing ever really lasts,
I keep trying to get up but I keep falling back,
And you love,
And you hate,
And you wait,
Cause one minute goes fast,

You just can’t escape it,
You’re losing patience,
You wonder what went wrong,
Everything changes,
Happy then jaded,
Always a different song,
Playin’ in your head just when you think you got it down,
Out of nowhere you realize it’s different music playing now,

One minute goes fast,
One minute goes fast,

One minute you laugh,
The next minute you’re slowly sinking into something black,
I get the feeling that lately nothing ever really lasts,
I keep trying to get up but I keep falling back,
And you love,
And you hate,
And you wait,
Cause one minute goes,
One minute goes,
One minute goes,

(Kelly Clarkson / Jimmy Messer / Dwight Baker)
Of everything around me
I smile
But I don’t feel a thing no

I’m so far from where I need to be
I’ve given up on faith, on everything
All I want, all I need
Is some peace

There’s a hole
Inside of me
It’s so cold
Slowly killing me

Eating at the core of me
Shut off
Trusting all the lies I breathe

I’m so far from where I need to be
I’ve given up on faith, on everything
All I wanted, all I needed
Was some peace

There’s a hole
Inside of me
It’s so damn cold
Slowly killing me

Sinking ever so slowly
So far from where I should be
No hands reaching out for me
Help me, help me

Something’s gone
I can feel it
It’s all wrong
I’m so sick of this

There’s a hole
Inside of me
It’s so cold
Slowly killing me
There’s a hole
Inside of me
It’s so damn cold
Slowly killing me

(Kelly Clarkson / Aben Eubanks / Jimmy Messer / Calamity McEntire)
And I don’t know
This could break my heart or save me
Nothing’s real
Until you let go completely
So here I go with all my thoughts I’ve been saving
So here I go with all my fears weighing on me

Three months and I’m still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
But I know it’s never really over

And I don’t know
I could crash and burn but maybe
At the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me
So I won’t worry about my timing, I want to get it right
No comparing, second guessing, no not this time

Three months and I’m still breathing
Been a long road since those hands I left my tears in but I know
It’s never really over, no

Wake up

Three months and I’m still standing here
Three months and I’m getting better year
Three months and I still am

Three months and it’s still harder now
Three months I’ve been living here without you now
Three months yeah, three months

Three months and I’m still breathing
Three months and I still remember it
Three months and I wake up

Three months and I’m still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers

(Kelly Clarkson/Jimmy Messer/Malcolm Pardon/Fredrick Rinman)
It's over, it's over, it’s over...

It seems you can’t hear me
When I open my mouth you never listen
You say stay, but what does that mean
Do you think I honestly want to be reminded forever?

Don't waste your time trying to fix
What I want to erase
What I need to forget
Don’t waste your time on me my friend
Friend, what does that even mean?
I don’t want your hand
You'll only pull me down
So save your breath
Don’t waste your song
On me, on me
Don’t waste your time

It’s not easy not answering
Every time I want to talk to you
But I can’t
If you only knew the hell I put myself through
Replaying memories in my head of you and I
Every night

Don’t waste your time trying to fix
What I want to erase
What I need to forget
Don’t waste your time on me my friend
Friend, what does that even mean?
I don’t want your hand
You’ll only pull me down
So save your breath
Don’t waste your song
On me, on me
Don’t waste your time

You’re callin’
You’re talkin’
You’re tryin’
Tryin' to get in
But it’s over, it’s over, it’s over

Don’t waste your time trying to fix it
So save your breath, don’t waste your song
On me, on me
Don’t waste your time

You held me
You felt me
You left me
But it’s over, it's over, it’s over
You touched me
You had me
But it’s over, it's over, it’s over my friend
Don't waste my time

(Kelly Clarkson / Jimmy Messer / Dwight Baker)
The only one who took you in?
The only one who held your hand?
Defended you against the others?
Had your back on everything?
Never let you down?
You turned around betrayed your only brother

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out
After we’d been through so much, how could you let me down?

I didn’t know, I didn’t know
I couldn’t see, I couldn’t see
Never thought you’d forget me
Couldn’t believe, couldn’t believe
How you deceived, you deceived
I never thought you’d do that to me

I will never be like you
I’ll never do the things you do
Selfish and lonely, what’s your problem?
Letting go of you and this
Is harder than I thought but I will not be poisoned by your actions

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out
After we’d been through so much, how could you let me down?

I didn’t know, I didn’t know
I couldn’t see, I couldn’t see
Never thought you’d forget me
Couldn’t believe, couldn’t believe
How you deceived, you deceived
I never thought you’d do that to me

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out
After we’d been through so much, how could you let me down?
Down, you let me down

(Kelly Clarkson / Jason Halbert / Jimmy Messer)
Louder, louder
The voices in my head
Whispers taunting
All the things you said
Faster the days go by and I’m still
Stuck in this moment of wanting you here
In the blink of an eye
You held my hand, you held me tight
Now you’re gone
And I’m still crying
Shocked, broken
I’m dying inside

Where are you?
I need you
Don’t leave me here on my own
Speak to me
Be near me
I can’t survive unless I know you’re with me

Shadows linger
Only to my eye
I see you, I feel you
Don’t leave my side
It’s not fair
Just when I found my world
They took you, they broke you, they tore out your heart

I miss you, you hurt me
You left with a smile
Mistaken, your sadness
Was hiding inside
Now all that’s left
Are the pieces to find
The mystery you kept
The soul behind a guise

Where are you
I need you
Don’t leave me here on my own
Speak to me
Be near me
I can’t survive unless I know you’re with me

Why did you go?
All these questions run through my mind
I wish I couldn’t feel at all
Let me be numb
I’m starting to fall

Where are you?
I need you
Don’t leave me here on my own
Speak to me
Be near me
I can’t survive unless I know you’re with me

Where are you?
Where are you?

You were smiling

(Kelly Clarkson / Aben Eubanks)
Far, away from it all
You and me with no one else around
A brand new start
Is all we need, it’s all we need to mend these hearts
Back to the beginning

Be still
Let it go

Before we lost hope
When we still touched and love wasn’t so hard

Be still
I already know

Foolish one with the smile
You don’t have to be brave
Every time we fall down
But we’re falling from grace
I’ll gladly climb your walls if you’ll meet me halfway

Slow, slow it down
Why do we run, we’re missing so much babe
Just lay in my arms for a while

Be still
We should’ve known

Foolish one with the smile
You don’t have to be brave
I’ll gladly climb your walls
If you’ll meet me halfway
Every time we fall down
But we’re falling from grace
Here’s my hand and my heart
It’s yours to take

Be still

I’m strong but I break
I'm stubborn and I make plenty of mistakes
Yeah, I’m hard
And life with me is never easy
To figure out, to love
I’m jaded but I’m so lovely
All you have to do is hold me
And you know, and you see just
How sweet it can be
If you trust me,
love me, let me, maybe
Someday when we’re at the same place
Or we’re on the same road when it’s okay to hold my hand
Without feeling lost without all these excuses

When it’s just because you love me
You let me you need me maybe maybe
Baby all you have to do is hold me
And to know and to see just how sweet it can be
If you trust me love me let me baby maybe

I'm confusing as hell yeah I'm north and south
And I’ll probably never have it all figured out
But what I know is I wasn't meant
To walk this world without you
And I promise I’ll try I’m gonna try
To give you every little part of me
Every single detail you miss with your eyes
maybe maybe oh maybe maybe maybe

One day we’ll be together
You’ll need me you’ll see me completely
Every little bit of me oh and maybe you’ll love me love me

I don't want to be tough and I don't wanna be proud
I don't need to be fixed and I certainly don't need to be found
I'm not lost I need to be loved I just need to be loved
I just want to be loved by you and I won't stop
Cause I believe that maybe yeah maybe
Maybe yeah maybe maybe yeah baby…

I should know better than to touch the fire twice
But I'm thinking maybe, yeah maybe you might

Maybe, love maybe

(Kelly Clarkson / Jimmy Messer / Dwigth Baker)
Looks like I made a mess again
Heartbreak everywhere I step
This fire is getting hot again
But I touch the flame ‘cause I’m a curious cat
Creeping where I don’t belong
Finding out what I knew all along
Crying all alone
And it’s all my fault, all my fault

Yeah, I did it again... again

Oh, I’m getting tired of believing
Even sicker of pretending
That it’s not so bad, just wait it out
Oh, I think you’re feeding me lies again
The only good man left wasn’t him
And that’s how I feel right now so just let me be
Let me be

It seems every time I find a good man
He’s got a good little wife
I’m not jealous but I won’t lie
I don’t want to hear about your wonderful life
And babies everywhere I look
Trophy wives with their little black books
At this rate I’m gonna end up alone
It’s probably all my fault, all my fault

Oh, another dead end…again

Oh, I’m getting tired of believing
Even sicker of pretending
That it’s not so bad, just wait it out
Oh, I think you’re feeding me lies again
The only good man left wasn’t him
And that’s how I feel right now

Bitter pill that I’ve swallowed
Just how low can my heart sink?
Fairy tales from so long ago
Save them for someone that’s not smart enough to know

‘Cause I, I’m getting tired of believing
I’m through pretending
Yeah I’m broken and sad so I’ll sit this one out
Oh I think you’re feeding me lies again
The only good man left wasn’t him
And that’s how I feel right now

How I feel right now
How I feel right now
How I feel right now
Let me be
How I feel right now
How I feel right now
How I feel right now
Let me be

Lay back, enjoy the fall lover I won't hurt you
I take it all on if you trust me
Don't hesitate let it go, let me know, baby show me
I don't read minds but I'm trying my best to read yours

Let me know, let me know
Let me know, it's all for you

Help me help yourself
I want to give it all to you but
Don’t make me second guess, I don’t want to play games no more
For sure I’ve got your back, I’ve never wanted anything more than you and your sexy smile
I love you so try not to blow it this time

Let me know, let me know
Let me know, it's all for you

Everything inside you, about you
I want to know, taste, hold, love you anytime I want to
Let me show you, let me give you everything I have saved just for you
I know you love me but I'm gonna need more than what you're giving me
I want to feel you but I feel empty
You gotta help me, you gotta meet me halfway
There I see you, can you see me, closer now
Just tell me, show me, what it's gonna take to get you to trust me, love me like I know you can

Let me know, let me know
Let me know, it's all for you

(Kelly Clarkson / Jimmy Messer / Dwight Baker)
Excuse me for this
I just want a kiss
I just want to know what it feels like to touch
Something so pure
Something I’m so sure of
What it feels like to stand outside your door
I’m unworthy
I can see you’re above me
But I can be lovely given the chance

Don’t move
I want to remember you just like this
Don’t move
It’s only a breath or two between our lips

I know why you left
I can’t blame you myself
Must be hard living with ghosts and such an empty shell
I tried to warn you
I’ve been a mess since you’ve known me
I can’t promise forever
But I’m working on it
If I can’t hold you
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I have a kiss?

I see that you’re torn
I’ve got some scars of my own
Seems I want what I know is gonna leave me hungry

Don’t move
I need to remember you just like this

I know why you left
I can’t blame you myself
Must be hard living with ghosts and such an empty shell
I tried to warn you
I’ve been a mess since you’ve known me
I can’t promise forever
But I’m working on it
If I can’t hold you
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I?

All I have
All I can give to you I will
Just promise this
If I can’t have forever
Can I have a kiss?

I know why you left
I can’t blame you myself
Must be hard living with ghosts and such an empty shell
I tried to warn you
I’ve been a mess since you’ve known me
I can’t promise forever
But I’m working on it
If I can’t hold you
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I give you a kiss?
Can I, can I?
Can I have a kiss?

(Kelly Clarkson / Aben Eubanks)
Are you there?
Are you watching me?
As I lie here on this floor
They say you feel what I do
They say you’re here every moment
Will you stay?
Stay ‘till the darkness leaves
Stay here with me
I know you’re busy, I know I’m just one
But you might be the only one who sees me
The only one to save me

Why is it so hard?
Why can’t you just take me?
I don’t have much to go
Before I fade completely

Can you feel how cold I am?
Do you cry as I do?
Are you lonely up there all by yourself?
Like I have felt all my life
The only one to save mine

How are you so strong?
What’s it like to feel so free?
Your heart is really something
Your love, a complete mystery to me

Are you there watching me?
As I lie here on this floor
Do you cry, do you cry with me?
Cry with me tonight

Are you there?
Are you watching me?


(faixa escondida)You’re not worth it babe
The trouble you bring the noise you keep
And you don’t even care

I’m so sick of you babe
Nights wasted I'm through faking
You don’t turn me on
You don’t do anything at all

Baby I can’t stand the sight of your face
Baby I don’t even want to hear your name

Don’t know what I saw
But are you seeing it now?
Woke up this morning, bitterness in my mouth

Guess I fell too fast
Guess I learned my lesson
So much for true love
I’ll take this Chivas instead

You’re too high maintenance babe
All the time you spent trying to fit in and no-one even cares
It’s so ridiculous babe
Watching you turn as I burn
It’s like you’re not even there

Baby don’t you try and hold my hand?
Maybe you should keep your eyes on your new girlfriend

Don’t know what I saw
But are you seeing it now?
Woke up this morning, bitterness in my mouth
Guess I fell too fast
Guess I learned my lesson
So much for true love
I’ll take this chivas instead

I’ll take this chivas instead
Over your bed
It wasn't even good
Trust me
I must have been so so so so lonely
You are crap, yeah
You should keep your eyes on your new little friend
It’s hard not to look I know
I’m amazing
I love you chivas.

15 . SOBER (radio edit)
16 . HAUNTED (demo)
obs.: as faixas que contêm o “*” são aquelas que não consegui encontrar o(s) autor(es). Sorry!

:: .. :: .. :: ‘til the next! :: .. :: .. ::
:: .. :: .. :: mach’s gut Sich :: .. :: .. ::
:: .. :: .. :: bis bald! :: .. :: .. ::

segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2008


:: Kelly Clarkson ::
:: 2004 ::
:: enjoy! ::

(M. Gerrard / B. Benante / Avril Lavigne)
Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I’d just stare out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I’d end up happy
I would pray

Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I’d pray
I could break away

I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly.
I’ll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won’t forget all the ones that I love.
I’ll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jetplane
Far away
And break away

I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly.
I’ll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won’t forget all the ones that I love
I gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging with revolving doors
Maybe I don’t know where they’ll take me but
Gotta keep movin on movin on
Fly away
Break away

I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly.
Though it’s not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won’t forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away
Break away
Break away

(Kara DioGuardi / John Shanks)
Here’s the thing
We started out friends
It was cool, but it was all pretend
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
You’re dedicated, you took the time
Wasn't long ‘til I called you mine
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
And all you’d ever hear me say
Is how I picture me with you
That’s all you’d ever hear me say

But since you been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I’m so movin’ on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you, now I get what I want
Since you been gone

How can I put it, you put me on
I even fell for that stupid love song
Yeah, yeah, since you been gone
How come I’d never hear you say
I just wanna be with you
Guess you never felt that way

But since you been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I’m so movin’ on, yeah, yeah
Thanks to you, now I get, I get what I want
Since you been gone

You had your chance, you blew it
Out of sight, out of mind
Shut your mouth, I just can't take it
Again and again and again and again

Since you been gone (since you been gone)
I can breathe for the first time
I’m so movin’ on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get, I get what I want
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so movin’ on, yeah yeah
Thanks to you (thanks to you)
Now I get (I get)
You should know (you should know) that I get
I get what I want

Since you been gone
Since you been gone
Since you been gone

(Lukasz Gottwald / Martin Sandberg / Kelly Clarkson)
Seems like just yesterday, you were a part of me
I used to stand so tall, I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight, everything it felt so right
Unbreakable, like nothing could go wrong

Now I can’t breathe, no I can’t sleep
I’m barely hanging on

Here I am, once again
I’m torn into pieces, can’t deny it, can’t pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won’t get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I told you everything, opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright, for once in my life
Now all that’s left of me, is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside

‘Cause I can’t breathe, no I can’t sleep
I’m barely hanging on

Here I am, once again
I’m torn into pieces, can’t deny it, can’t pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won’t get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Swallow me, then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you, it kills me now
No, I don’t cry on the outside anymore

Here I am, once again
I’m torn into pieces, can’t deny it, can’t pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won’t get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Here I am, once again
I’m torn into pieces, can’t deny it, can’t pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won’t get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

(Ben Moody / David Hodges / Kelly Clarkson)
I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I’ve learned the hard way to never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don’t get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it’s not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that’s weakness in your eyes
I’m forced to fake a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can’t possibly break
When it wasn’t even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don’t get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don’t get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don’t know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I’m ashamed of my life because it’s empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you

(Kara DioGuard I /John Shanks)
What you see’s not what you get
With you there’s just no measurement
No way to tell what's real from what isn't there

Your eyes they sparkled
That's all changed into lies that drop like acid rain
You washed away the best of me
You don't care

You know you did it
I’m gone
To find someone to live for in this world
There’s no light at the end of the tunnel tonight
Just a bridge that I gotta burn
You are wrong
If you think you can walk right through my door
That is just so you
Coming back when I’ve finally moved on
I’m already gone

Sometimes shattered
Never open
Nothing matters
When you’re broken
That was me whenever I was with you

Always ending, always over
Back and forth, up and down, like a roller coaster
I am breaking that habit today

You know you did it
I’m gone
To find someone to live for in this world
There's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight
Just a bridge that I gotta burn
You are wrong
If you think you can walk right through my door
That is just so you
Coming back when I've finally moved on
I’m already gone

There is nothing you can say
Sorry doesn’t cut it babe
Take the hit and walk away
Cause I’m gone

Doesn’t matter what you do
It’s what you did that’s hurting you
All I needed was the truth
Now I'm gone

What you see’s not what you get

You know you did it
I’m gone
To find someone to live for in this world
There’s no light at the end of the tunnel tonight
Just a bridge that I gotta burn
You are wrong
If you think you can walk right through my door
That is just so you
Coming back when I’ve finally moved on
I’m already gone

(Kelly Clarkson / David Hodges / Ben Moody)
It’s like you’re a drug
It’s like you’re a demon I can’t face down
It’s like I’m stuck
It’s like I’m running from you all the time

And I know I let you have all the power
It’s like the only company I seek is misery all around

It’s like you’re a leach
Sucking the life from me
It’s like I can’t breathe
Without you inside of me

And I know I let you have all the power
And I realize I’m never gonna quit you over time

It’s like I can’t breathe
It’s like I can’t see anything
Nothing but you
I’m addicted to you
It’s like I can’t think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts, in my dreams
You’ve taken over me
It’s like I’m not me
It’s like I’m not me

It’s like I’m lost
It’s like I’m giving up slowly
It’s like you’re a ghost that’s haunting me
Leave me alone
And I know these voices in my head are mine alone
And I know I’ll never change my ways
If I don’t give you up now

It’s like I can’t breathe
It’s like I can’t see anything
Nothing but you
I’m addicted to you
It’s like I can’t think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts, in my dreams
You’ve taken over me
It’s like I’m not me
It’s like I’m not me

I’m hooked on you
I need a fix
I can’t take it
Just one more hit
I promise I can deal with it
I’ll handle it, quit it
Just one more time, then that’s it
Just a little bit more to get me through this

It’s like I can’t breathe
It’s like I can’t see anything
Nothing but you
I’m addicted to you
It’s like I can’t think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts, in my dreams
You’ve taken over me
It’s like I’m not me
It’s like I’m not me

(Chantal Kreviazuk / Kelly Clarkson / Kara DioGuardi)
I don’t believe
In the smile that you leave me with
When you walk away and say goodbye

Well I don't expect
The world to move underneath
Baby, but for god's sake, could you try?

I know that you’re true to me
You’re always there, you say you care
I know that you wanna be mine

Where is your heart?
Cause I don’t really feel you
Where is your heart?
What I really want is to believe you
Is it so hard to give me what I need?
I want your heart to bleed
And that’s all I’m asking for
Where is your heart?

I don’t understand
Your love is so cold
It’s always me who's reaching out for your hand

I always dreamed
That love would be effortless
Like a petal falling to the ground
A dreamer following his dream

Where is your heart?
Cause I don’t really feel you
Where is your heart?
What I really want is to believe you
Is it so hard to give me what I need?
I want your heart to bleed
And that's all I’m asking for
Where is your heart?

It seems so much is left to say
But you can say anything
Oh anytime you need
Baby it's just you and me

I know that you’re true to me
You're always there, you say you care
I know that you wanna be mine

Where is your heart?
Cause I don't really feel you
Where is your heart?
What I really want is to believe you
Is it so hard to give me what I need?
I want your heart to bleed
And that’s all I’m asking for

Where is your heart?

(Kelly Clarkson / Kara DioGuardi / Chantal Kreviazuk / Raine Maida)
You’ve got your mother and your brother
Every other undercover
Tellin’ you what to say (say)
You think I’m stupid
But the truth is
That it’s cupid, baby
Lovin’ you has made me this way
So before you point your finger
Get your hands off of my trigger
Oh yeah
You need to know this situation’s getting old
And now the more you talk
The less I can take, oh

I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go?
Well, if you don't have the answer
Why are you still standin’ here?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just walk away
Just walk away
Just walk away

I waited here for you
Like a kid waiting after school
So tell me how come you never showed (showed)?
I gave you everything
And never asked for anything
And look at me
I'm all alone (alone)
So, before you start defendin’
Baby, stop all your pretendin’
I know you know I know
So what's the point in being slow
Let's get the show on the road today

I’m looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go?
Well, if you don’t have the answer
Why are you still standin’ here?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just walk away
Just walk away
Just walk away

I wanna love
I want a fire
To feel the burn
My desires
I wanna man by my side
Not a boy who runs and hides
Are you gonna fight for me?
Die for me?
Live and breathe for me?
Do you care for me?
‘'Cause if you don’t then just leave

I’m looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go?
Well, if you don’t have the answer
Why are you still standin’ here?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just walk away

If you don’t have the answer
Walk away
Just walk (walk) away
(Just walk away)
Then just leave
Yeah yeah
Walk away
Walk away
Walk away

(Kara DioGuardi / John Shanks)
Is this a dream?
If it is
Please don’t wake me from this high
I'd become comfortably numb
Until you opened up my eyes
To what it’s like
When everything’s right
Oh I can’t believe

You found me
When no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me

So, here we are
That's pretty far
When you think of where we've been
No going back
I'm fading out
All that has faded me within
You're by my side
Now everything's fine
I can't believe

You found me
When no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be?
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn’t leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me

I was hiding till you came along
and showed me where I belong

You found me
When no one else was looking
How did you know?
How did you know?

You found me
When no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be?
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me

You broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn’t leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
The good and the bad and the things (everything) in between
You found me
You found me

(Kara DioGuardi / Jimmy Harry / Shep Solomon)
I woke up today
Woke up wide awake
In an empty bed
Staring at an empty room
I have myself to blame
For the state I’m in today
And now, dyin’ doesn’t seem so cruel

And oh, I don’t know what to say
And I don’t know anyway, anymore

I hate myself for losing you
I’m seeing it all so clear
I hate myself for losing you
What do you do when you look in the mirror?
And staring at you is why he’s not here

You got what you deserved
Hope your happy now
Cause everytime I think of both of you
It’s killing me inside
And now I dread each day
Knowing that I can’t be saved
From the loneliness of living without you

And oh, I don’t know what do
Not sure that I’ll pull through
I wish you’d know

I hate myself for losing you
I’m seeing it all so clear
I hate myself for losing you
What do you do when you look in the mirror?
And staring at you is why he’s not here

I hate myself for losing you

And oh, I don’t know what to do
Not sure that I’ll pull through
I wish you knew
I wish you knew
And oh, I don’t know what to say
And I don’t know anyway, anymore

I hate myself for losing you
I’m seeing it all so, I’m seeing it all so clear
I hate myself for losing you
What do you do when you look in the mirror?
And staring at you is why he’s not here

What do you say when everything you said?
Is the reason why he left you in the end?
How do you cry when every tear you shed?
Won’t ever bring him back again?
I hate myself for loving you

(Kelly Clarkson / Kara DioGuardi / Clif Magness)
Hear me, hear me

You gotta be out there
You gotta be somewhere
Wherever you are
I’m waiting...

Cause there are these nights when
I sing myself to sleep
And I’m hoping my dreams bring you close to me
Are you listening?

Hear me, I’m crying out
I’m ready now
Turn my world upside down, find me
I’m lost inside the crowd, it’s getting loud
I need you to see
I’m screaming for you to please
Hear me
Can you hear me?

I used to be scared of letting someone in
But it gets so lonely, being on my own
No one to talk to
No one to hold me
I’m not always strong
Oh, I need you here
Are you listening?

Hear me, I’m crying out
I’m ready now
Turn my world upside down, find me
I’m lost inside the crowd, it’s getting loud
I need you to see
I’m screaming for you to please
Hear me

I’m restless and wild
I fall but I try
I need someone to understand (can you hear me)
I’m lost in my thoughts
And baby, I fought for all that I’ve got
Can you hear me?

Hear me, I’m crying out
I’m ready now
Turn my world upside down, find me
I’m lost inside the crowd, it’s getting loud
I need you to see
I’m screaming for you, to please
Hear me
Can you
Hear me?
Can you hear me? (oh, no)
Hear me

(Matthew Wilder / Rebekah Jordan)
(¡ao vivo!)
He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He’s as damned as he seems
More Heaven than a heart could hold

And if I tried to save him
My whole world could cave in
Just ain’t right
Just ain’t right

Oh and I don’t know
I don’t know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
He's such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful
Or just a beautiful disaster

He's magic and myth
As strong as what I believe
A tragedy with
More damage than a soul should see
But do I try to change him
So hard not to blame him
Hold on me tight
Hold on me tight

Oh cause I don’t know
I don’t know what he’s after
But he’s so beautiful
He’s such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful
Or just a beautiful disaster

I’m longing for love and the logical
But he’s only happy hysterical
I’m searching for some kind of miracle
Waiting so long
Waiting so long

He’s soft to the touch
But frayed at the ends he breaks
He’s never enough
And still he’s more than I can take

Oh cause I don’t know
I don’t know what he’s after
But he’s so beautiful
He’s such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful
Or just a beautiful disaster?

He’s beautiful
Just a beautiful disaster...

:: .. :: ‘til the next! :: .. ::

sexta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2008


[poema sem título]

sinto falta dos meus amigos que bebem...
sinto falta dos meus amigos que fumam...
sinto falta dos meus amigos que riem...
sinto falta dos meus amigos que fazem merda...
sinto falta de vocês todos...
nós terminamos e continuamos...
e nós estamos aqui
vivendo nossas vidas
sinto falta de falarmos sobre nossos sonhos...
sinto falta de falarmos sobre nossas raivas...
sinto falta de falarmos sobre nossos amores...
sinto falta de falarmos sobre nossas vitórias e derrotas e erros e acertos...
aqui ficamos tão felizes e tão tristes
para sempre residirá em nossos corações
para sempre odiaremos e seremos gratos
sem estrada de retorno... uma vez e até o fim
tempo, por favor, me diga se seremos amigos até o fim...!
este lugar me deixa tão nublado e descolorido!!!
estar aqui novamente: meu coração diminui
a felicidade em mim começa a ir embora
novamente a tristeza e a melancolia em estado contínuo e permanente.
felicidade, por favor, felicidade, não vá embora!
o tempo não teme despedaçar os corações dos humanos.
no dia mais claro e na noite mais densa,
a tristeza sucumbirá ante à minha presença!
eu não acredito mais nisso!

:: .. :: .. :: 06 e 07 de agosto de 2008 :: .. :: .. ::
:: .. :: .. :: dedicado a todos os meus companheiros de sala da Microcamp, turma TQ183 :: .. :: .. ::
:: .. :: .. :: obrigado Professor Marcelo Gonçalves, Patrízia Chermont, Joana Isabel Silva e Karolayne Moura :: .. :: .. ::

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008


Eu realmente sou um cara muitíssimo sortudo e muitíssimo abençoado por ter a mãe que eu tenho e os amigos que tenho. Deus é indubitavelmente e inegavelmente um cara excepcionalmente bom para comigo por me dar todas as coisas boas que me dá.

Ontem, minha mãe completou meio século... 50 anos... 600 meses... 18250 dias... 438000 horas... 26280000 minutos... 26280060 segundos... Ainda bem que ela está aqui, de verdade. Muito tempo, né? ela viu a Guerra Fria, o avanço, o auge e o fim da Ditadura Militar, a Crise dos Mísseis, a Queda do Muro de Berlim, os boicotes às Olimpíadas feitos pelos EUA e pela URSS, o Movimento Punk, as Diretas Já!, e mais outras coisas que vi de lá pra cá também.

Assim como a festa da Raíssa Moraes Baldez (ver a postagem Mais Postagens Atrasadas – Volume (porra, eu não lembro!)), a Muttergeburstagfeier (traduzindo do alemão para o bom português, festa de aniversário da mamãe) foi REALMENTE FODÁSTICA!!!!! Só não foi “mais melhor de ótima” porque o Minhoca [Sullivan], a Camila, o Jeff, o Leandro, a Nágila, a Tami-chan (melhoras para você, imooto), Letícia e Frau Elizabeth (mãe da Letícia) não foram, foi uma lástima (mas tem um lado bom nisso tudo, uma vez que Tami-chan, Leandro e Camila são verdadeiros barrigas sem fundo, sendo assim....). Foi realmente ótimo, o Rafa, o Anselmo, Mutter Laura [e, consequentemente, Heitor e Flavinha] terem vindo. Eu não sei se ia agüentar ficar a festa toda agüentando somente o pessoal da família... Eles não são pessoas ruins, de verdade. Eu adoro ficar falando merda com a Nenzinha e com a Jane, mas... os caras do CEFET e da VASP S.A. ainda são os “caras”! É claro que, sendo festa da Família Alexandrino, Seção Pará, a comida estava, no mínimo, ótima. O climão estava ótimo também. Fazia muito, muito, muito tempo que eu não participava de uma festa de família com o astral tão-tão-tão em cima, comparado a das melhores festas de amigos que costumo comparecer (como o da Raíssa – já citado –, o do Lestat [a ser comentado mais a frente], às reuniões do Escritório, os aniversários da Srta. Garou [Marília Fernanda Pereira de Freitas, cujo Geburstag {i.e.: aniversário} é dia 31 deste mês, no mesmo dia da Fabíola Figueiredo Reis, a professora de alemão pra quem escrevi os poemas] e do (supercitado neste blog), Siro, que faz niver na próxima terça-feira, 5). Mutter, Guilherme, Cousine Ana Paula, , parabéns e muuuuuuuuuuuuuuitísiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimo obrigado de todo o meu coração pela festa maravilhosamente incrível, vocês são demais! You Are The F*ckin Ones!!!!!!

Mas a maior lástima de tudo foi a Raquel não poder estar aqui pr’essa festa. É uma merda. Não é todo dia que sua genitora completa MEIO SÉCULO... Seria ótimo se Raquel estivesse aqui, para eu, ela e Mamãe sermos o que somos: UM SÓ!!!! É foda...

Rafael, Anselmo, Mutter Laura, Nilce, Neura, Ritinha, Cleide, (que, finalmente, desde tempos imemoriais, lembraram o endereço de casa), Tia Raimunda, Tio João, Tia Hiula, Ivone, Elzenir, Uchoa, Manu, Lizandra, Jane, Lene, Gisele, Rodrigo, Raimundo e todos que compareceram, obrigado de verdade por terem vindo – vocês fizeram a festa!

Quanto à Geburstagfeier do Eric.... Foi festa de um dos vadios do CEFET, então a festa foi legal de verdade. Nem todos da turma estavam lá, mas foi legal comer e beber e dançar e gritar e tomar banho de chuva e tudo isso de novo. Realmente, Frau Sandra, Eric e Aline sabem fazer e conduzir uma festa de aniversário!!!!! Parabéns para vocês! A FESTA FOI DEMAIS! Eu amo vocês por isso!

Kat, feliz aniversário + muitos anos de vida + vitórias + felicidades + conquistas + realizações para você, minha Irmã-Mais-Velha! Eu me orgulho muito e imensamente de ter alguém como você como amiga e poder te chamar de IRMÃ!

Fabiane Cristina Figueiredo Reis (neuer Schwester von Fabíola Deutschsprachelehrerin), (que completa anos no mesmo dia de mamãe e da Kat), eu desejo para você praticamente o mesmo que desejo para minha amada Irmã-Mais-Velha, e você, um dia, haverá de ser e será tão fodástica e super quanto ela é!

esta postagem foi escrita ao som do álbum My December, da americana Kelly Clarkson, lançado ano passado. enquanto digito essa postagem, o Lucas está baixando os outros álbuns dela – o Breakaway, de 2004 [ou seja, anterior ao My December] e o primeiro dela, o Thankful, de 2002. assim que possível, postarei as letras de todos eles aqui

“Os amigos têm tudo em comum, e a amizade é a igualdade.”
– Pitágoras

‘til the next!

sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2008


Amanhã minha mãe completará 50 ANOS de existência. Em homenagem à ela, vou colocar abaixo as seguintes letras:
Moon river wider than a mile :: Rio da Lua, mais largo que uma milha
I'm crossing you in style someday :: Eu atravessarei você com elegância, algum dia
You dream maker, you heartbreaker :: Oh, fabricante de sonhos, você partiu meu coração
Wherever you're going I'm going your way :: Onde quer que você esteja indo, eu estarei seguindo seu caminho.
Two drifters off to see the world :: Indo à sua deriva, poderei ver o mundo
There's such a lot of world to see :: Há uma grande quantidade de mundo para se ver
We're after the same rainbows end :: Nós procuraremos a extremidade do mesmo arco-iris
Waiting round the band :: Seguindo através de suas curvas
My huckleberry friend, moon river :: Meu amigo Huckleberry
And me :: E eu

TANGO :: Dead Fish :: Afasia :: 2001
Foi difícil entender, impossível de acreditar, uma vida devotada embasada em sobreviver. Mais que qualquer ideal sobressai o teu amor, não há ruas, partidos e regras para te deter. Mais que uma instituição feita para deformar, liberdade e emoção me permitiram sonhar. Tu és a vida real, e sempre esteve de pé, nunca reclamou da batalha que é criar. Sociedade e discriminação, cabeça erguida a enfrentar, nenhum patriarcado ou família te fizeram calar. Não há nada a provar, eu já posso entender o que pode ser mais rebelde depois de você?
Forte, viva e a sorrir sua vitória deve insultar a todos que preferem te ver a chorar. Acredite aprendi demais, seu silêncio constrangedor. Liberdade é muito mais que palavras a dizer. Gostaria de agradecer, espero um dia retribuir, coração do meu céu, por favor, seja feliz!
Agora vem a tua vez! Usufrua do teu amor, sua prole sobreviveu, só resta agradecer... mãe!

ANNIE :: Bambix :: What's In A Name :: 2000
When I dreamed of all the lonely places, we’ve never been that far :: Quando eu sonhei com todos os lugares vazios, nós nunca estivemos tão afastadas
We hide it just behind bars :: Nós simplesmente nos escondemos atrás de bares
Fought, embraced, didn’t give a toss bout what they thought of us :: Lutamos, abraçadas, não demos importância para o que pensassem de nós
We lived our lives at the stars :: Vivemos nossas vidas nas estrelas

High above the world :: Muito acima do mundo

And in those hours of darkness you were standing next to me :: E naqueles momentos tristes você estava suportando junto comigo
Guess that made it worth while :: Crendo que aquilo era importante
Struggle for eternal fate, we always were on time :: Lutando pelo destino certo, sempre estivemos com chance
The thing to pack were our smiles :: O que nos juntava eram nossos sorrisos

And I know we did intend to :: E eu sei o que queríamos
Scream and make our way right out of here :: Gritar e fazer nossas vidas longe daqui
No locks could hold us here :: Nada pode nos prender aqui
Cause crying doesn’t help and the light just made us feel :: Porque chorar não vai ajudar e sua luz simplesmente nos faz sentir

High above the world :: Muito acima do mundo

ich höffe Sie lieben!