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e ai que tenho três livros de autoria publicada que fiz praticamente tudo neles e vou fixar esse post aqui com os três pra download e todos...

domingo, 29 de junho de 2008

ich vermisse Sich...

“I don’t know who you are but I… I’m with you.”– Avril Lavigne, “I’m With You”.

Espero que todos vocês estejam bem quando estiverem lendo isso.
Ultimamente tenho postado muitas letras de algumas das bandas que amo. A verdade é que eu ‘tô realmente sem saco pra postar alguma coisa... como dizer?... substancial aqui. o poema da postagem passada foi meio que na merda. Eu tenho lido muito e escrito bastante. Ultimamente eu ando uma máquina de escrever contos e todo tipo de merda que se passa na minha fossa sanitária que as pessoas insistem em chamar de cérebro.
O Lucas [Pontes, vizinho], o Eric [Pereira, vulgo Lestat, from CEFET-Pará] e a Fernandinha [Fêzinha, Tami-chan, Isobe-Garou; i.e.: meine neuer Dichteschwester, watashi wa imooto, von CEFET auch] têm atualizado seus blogs (, e , respectivamente) com força total, e eu prefiro acreditar que isso é influência minha, por ter sempre colocado uma postagem por aqui (há, há, há) e eles devem ter pensado “pau no rabo do Malafaia! Ele tem um blog e sempre ‘tá colocando uma merda lá, eu vou fazer um blog também e provar que posso ser melhor do que esse maldito Andarilho do Asfalto barbudo filho da puta!” (saber rir de si próprio é uma dádiva, sabiam?). Não, eu não vou deixar de amar os caras por causa disso – eu vou é ler o que eles têm pra dizer mesmo!

eu sinto falta da minha irmã

RAQUEL ALEXANDRINO MALAFAIA, minha irmã de carne, sangue e sobrenomes, por que diabos e por quais malditas razões você teve que ir pra outro Estado?!? Sincera e honestamente, eu prefiro morrer, eu prefiro estar morto do que continuar lembrando que você está nesse estado de merda por causa de um tremendo filho da puta (não pela mãe que tem mas pelo filho da puta que é) que acabou te iludindo com falsas promessas, cujo nome me recuso terminantemente a colocar aqui (este espaço está destinado somente às pessoas que amo, respeito e considero... como você, seu menos-do-que-um-merda-por-ter-tirado-minha-irmã-de-mim-e-de-minha-mãe-e-de-nosso-estado, não está incluído em nenhuma destas classes....). você, seu menos-do-que-um-nada, deve ter vergonha de dizer que é paraense, seu... seu... não existe palavras para dizer o quanto eu te ódio, qualquer pejorativo e insulto agora seria como uma palavra de carinho para contigo!
Irmã, Irmã, Irmã, Sister, Sister, Sister, Schwester, Schwester, Schwester. Se você soubesse... imaginasse... sentisse o que eu sinto, como eu me sinto com a sua ausência... Eu me proíbo de chorar pois acredito que você não gostaria, mas, às vezes, não dá... é simplesmente impossível reter as lágrimas. É como se elas rasgassem meu coração já torturado por tudo que eu já passei [e muitas dessas coisas provocadas por ações minhas, intencionais ou não]. Eu não consigo evitar. É como se o chão desabasse e o céu caísse somente em cima da minha cabeça. Eu evito pensar em você, porque, cada vez que isso acontece, eu sou tomado por uma profunda e verdadeira e inegável tristeza e depressão, infelizmente, contaminando todos ao meu redor. Nem lembrar que eu não sou a única pessoa da Terra que se sente assim por causa de sua irmã me conforta. O que mais me agonia também é não ter notícias suas, não saber como você está. Eu entro em um desespero contido que me desconstrói a alma, a implodindo violenta e impiedosamente. Sinto falta de suas palavras... do som de sua risada... de sua raiva incontida... de sua determinação... de seu abraço... de você toda. Como eu queria que estivesses aqui. de uma vez por todas e para sempre. Eu, definitivamente, não sou o melhor dos irmãos e a melhor das pessoas sobre a Terra, mas você é a primeira pessoa do mundo por quem eu iria até o fim deste mundo maravilhoso e miserável no qual vivemos!
Vocês, emos, acham que sofrem por ninguém entendê-los, por o mundo estar uma completa merda e que todos pereceremos (sim, eu ‘tô citando o Lucas no que ele disse sobre os emos no blog dele)?!? Então, quando vossas irmãs estiverem longe de vós nesta situação que a minha está, vós vereis o que é sofrimento verdadeiro!

irmã-mais-nova, orgulho de minha alma e felicidade de meu coração, volte logo para meu coração e para o de mamãe

KÁTIA CILENE SILVA BORGES, faz quanto tempo que não ouço sua voz, Irmã-Mais-Velha? Sinto falta de seus conselhos, de sua amizade, de seu carinho, de seus doces olhos que, a cada triste olhar, davam a impressão de que poderiam encher o mar. Você é tudo, você é muito do que eu quero ser quando finalmente um dia atingir a maturidade (se eu estiver vivo até lá, é claro... mas creio que essa minha vida de escritor ultraromântico [i.e: bagaceiro] não permitir-me-á). Eu invejo, com todas as letras, sua força, sua determinação, sua firmeza, sua postura. Não somos os melhores dos irmãos, temos nossas diferenças gritantes de atitude, ideologia e pensamento, mas o que nos une – assim como o solda Raquel e eu – é muito, muito maior que isso. Infelizmente, eu sempre temo que não ver-nos-emos mais em vida. Isso, indubitável e inegavelmente, enche meu coração de medo! Passamos tanto tempo sem nos ver, novamente passaremos muito tempo sem nos ver... Reconhecer-nos-emos novamente quando nossos olhos pousarem em nós, alter Schwester (i.e.: do alemão: irmã mais velha)?!? Estaremos vivos para tal acontecimento?!?
Este ano fazem dez anos que conheço não somente a você, mas os primeiros da Velha Guarda Anchietana. Meu Deus!, faz muito tempo! 1998! Eu estava até comentando com a Hela (i.e.: Tânia Helena Nunes Colares, ver as postagens Hela! e Dia Do Fim): “Quem diria que nos tornaríamos o que nos tornamos hoje? Quem diria que estaríamos vivos até hoje?” Ela está esperando um(a) filho(a) (sei lá!). Você, Carlinha, Julie, Nídia, Antérica, Castelo Branco, Verônica, muitas da nossa época já tem filhos e filhas e diplomas universitários. Eu ainda moro na casa da minha mãe, sou um técnico em estradas desempregado alcoólatra e pretenso escritor. Sinto vergonha por isso (exceto pela parte de ser escritor)! Tomara que nunca tenhamos que cantar uns para os outros tanto “Bem-Vindo ao Clube” (ver a postagem Dead Fish – Zero E Um – 2004) quanto “Canção Para Amigos” (ver a postagem Dead Fish – Sonho Médio – 1999). Foi simpatia imediata, mas depois... à medida que crescíamos e formávamos nossos pontos de vista sobre o mundo e pavimentávamos nossas estradas... fomos nos afastando tanto, que, até hoje, creio que será muito difícil voltarmos a ser o que éramos.
Se Deus e Gaia assim o quiserem, sua primogênita – o orgulho do tio aqui e dos n tios e tias que Annie [i.e.: Ana Alice] indubitavelmente deve ter – será tudo de bom que você é. Ela é tão inteligente quanto você o é e, certamente, herdará as suas melhores qualidades (é isso o que dá medo, se herdam as melhores qualidades e os piores defeitos).

sinto sua falta, kat

[não posso falar da Etiene da Tami-chan, pois, volta e meia, estou sempre falando com elas... ou seja, elas estão sempre por aqui... sendo assim... não que eu não as ame, eu as amo muito, mas não do mesmo jeito que Raquel e Kat, e não ter com elas – Etiene e Tami-chan – os laços que tenho com Malafaia-imooto e Borges-ane (“imooto” é “irmã mais nova” em japonês, enquanto “ane” significa “irmã mais velha”)]

A frase do dia é “Por maior que seja o buraco em que você se encontra, SORRIA, porque, por enquanto, ainda não tem terra em cima.” Eu não sei de quem é, mas foi a Shirley Boller que me mostrou essa (frase) numa das n conversas que tivemos via MSN.

Os livros que estou lendo atualmente são A Tumba E Outras Histórias, do clááááássico Howard Phillips Lovecraft, ou simplesmente H.P. Lovecraft, da Editora L&PM Pocket, publicado em 2007; e também Problemas da Revolução Científica: Incentivos e Obstáculos ao Progresso das Ciências, organizado por Rom Harré, com textos de Herman Bondi, Jacques Monod, Walter Bodmer, Jerry Ravetz, B. F. Skinner e Sir Karl Popper, este é o primeiro volume da série O Homem e a Ciência, publicado pela Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, no ano de 1976.

Esta postagem foi escrita ao som dos álbuns American Pshyco, de 1997, e Earth A.D., de uma das minhas bandas favoritas, ou seja, ninguém mais ninguém menos do que os MISFITS!

até a próxima!

[“ich vermisse Sich...” = “sinto a falta de vocês”]

sábado, 28 de junho de 2008


[sem título]
Com todo
o Amor em meu coração
eu te trago
A Destruição
Flores colhidas
de jardins cuidados em campos estéreis
Chuva ácida
Ar radioativo
Seja minha ogiva
exploda junto comigo!
Me permita ver chacinas e bombardeios
em seus doces olhos e em seu belo sorriso
Viadutos caindo
Hordas de robôs marchando
Oceanos poluídos
Crianças chorando
Cadeiras de praia
Óculos escuros
O fim do mundo com a mais bela vista para o mar
Mas tudo isso
somente ser-me-á
se você
e somente
estiver comigo.

:: .. :: .. :: 22 de junho de 2008 :: .. :: .. ::

sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2008


(Greg Graffin)
I’ve got nothing to say,
I’ve got nothing to do.
All of my neurons are functioning smoothly
Yet still I’m a cyborg just like you.

I am one big myoma that thinks:
My planet supports only me,
I’ve got this one big problem: Will I live forever?
I’ve got just a short time to see.

Modern man, evolutionary betrayer,
Modern man, ecosystem destroyer.
Modern man, destroy yourself in shame,
Modern man, pathetic example of earth's organic heritage.

When I look back and think,
When I ponder and ask “why?”,
I see my ancestors spend with careless abandon,
Assuming eternal supply.

Modern man, evolutionary betrayer,
Modern man, ecosystem destroyer.
Modern man, destroy yourself in shame,
Modern man, pathetic example of earth's organic heritage.

Just a sample of carbon-based wastage,
Just a fucking tragic epic of you and I.

(Brett Gurewitz)
I had a friend who kept a candle in his pocket,
He used to touch it when the wind was blowing high,
I guess it made him feel like he could buck the system
And when it flickered out we laid him down to die.

Turn on the light,
Turn on a million blinding
brilliant white incendiary lights,
A beacon in the night,
I’ll burn relentlessly
Until my juice runs dry.

I’ll construct a rock of tempered beams and trusses
And equip it with a million tiny suns,
I’ll install upon the roof on my compartment
And place tinfoil on my floor and on my walls.

Turn on the light,
Turn on a million blinding
brilliant white incendiary lights,
A beacon in the night,
I’ll burn relentlessly
Until my juice runs dry.

And I’ll burn like a roman fucking candle,
Burn like a chasm in the night,
For a miniscule duration, ecstatic immolation,
Incorrigible delight.

(Greg Graffin)
Lascivious, it’s all that I can think of
As I drag my feet searching like a Diogenes.
Dangerous, the adjective of the decade
And of your alluring intricacies.

I can see your green-screen mentality
And I can feel the sting of it’s consequence,
And I know I shouldn't, but it’s too much to ignore,
An emotion I deplore.

Every time I look at you, I just want do it,
I can clench my fist right through it,
But I just want to get off.

Rectilinear, this direction we’ve been heading
Never realizing we are on a runaway machine,
Angular, the momentum that does turn us one
Step further on our ladder, one more turn toward the east.

I realize your green-screen mentality
And I know it is shared by many more,
I know it’s quite impossible, but I am damned to find a way
to revolve the other way.

Every time I scrutinize I just say “screw it”,
We’re on a ride down a blind conduit
And I just want to get off.

(Brett Gurewitz)
Flying through a dark prismatic tunnel on a carousel,
The earth is turning and you know it very well.
Your mind is reeling like ten helicopters wheeling
And you’re gonna hit the ceiling like a mallet on a bell.

Hey, blenderhead, they’re starting to ask questions,
Your transgressions are a danger flashing sign.
Challenge conventions and radiate your splendor
And feel those flywheels churn on your blenderhead.

Tally up the gleaming tender ventured on a wishing well,
Each shining trinket has a story it can tell.
Your moments pining like those tales all intertwining
Can become the rusted lining of a deep neglected shell.

Hey, blenderhead, you ask so many questions,
Your confusion's a life-affirming sign.
Break from tradition and carry on with valor
And feel those flywheels churn your blenderhead.

(Jay Bentley)
Let’s gather ‘round the carcass of the old deflated beast,
We have seen it through the accolades and rested in it’s lea,
Syntactic is our elegance, incisive our disease,
The swath endogenous of ourselves will be our quandary.

We’ve nestled in it’s hollow and we’ve suckled at it’s breast,
Grandiloquent in attitude, impassioned yet inept,
Frivolous gavel our design, ludicrous or threat,
Excursive expeditions leave us holding less and less.

So what does it mean?
When we tell ourselves it’s only for a while we have been deceived
And it’s only for a moment that the treasures of our day
Make life easier to complicate,
The treasure thrown away.
I’m so tired of all the fucked up minds,
Of all the terrorist religions and their bullshit lines,
Of all the hand-me-downs from all industrial crimes
And the weeping mothers and those who are led so blind,
Of the plastic protests and the hands of time
And the pursuit of mirth and all hating kind.

(Brett Gurewitz)
Everybody is talking about the girl
Who went and killed the delivery man,
But she looks so kind and gentle,
It just doesn't stand to reason.
I saw her right there just the other night
As stately as a slot machine,
But when she looked my way
Something mad as hell came over me, yeah.

Anesthesia, Mona Lisa,
I’ve got a little gun, here comes oblivion.
I never loved you, how did you find me?
The cops will never prove complicity now.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
All good children go to heaven!

I remember your face that August night
When we lied about the beautiful time to come,
And that crazy old man who came much to late
And caused a chain reaction.
I’ve been hanging out here for eleven long years
Like a church mouse wondering where the cat has gone,
And looking at you now is driving me to distraction.

Anesthesia, Mona Lisa,
I’ve got a little gun, here comes oblivion.
I never loved you, how did you find me?
The cops will never prove complicity now.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
All good children go to heaven!

(Brett Gurewitz)
Lie, lie, lie...

The full moon is rising over dark water
And the fools below are picking up sticks.
And the man in the gallows lies permanently,
Waiting for the doctors to come back and tend to him.

The flat earth society is meeting here today,
Singing happy little lies,
And the bright ship humana is sailing far away
with grave determination,
And no destination.

Lie, lie, lie...

Yeah, nothing feels better than a spray of clean water
And the whistling wind on a calm summer night,
but you’d better believe that down in their quarters
The men are holding in for their dear lives.

The flat earth society is somewhere far away,
With their candlesticks and compasses,
And the bright ship humana is well on its way
With grave determination,
And no destination.

Lie, lie, lie, ad infinitum...

(Greg Graffin)
Heard a sermon from a creaky pulpit with no one in the nave.
I paid a visit to the synagogue and I left there feeling blame.
No one can tell me what to do;
They had not the capacity to answer me.

What the world needs now is some answers to our problems.
We can’t buy more time because our tender isn’t valid.
If your soul needs love, you can get consoled by pity,
But it looks as though faith alone won’t sustain us no more.

Watched the scientists throw up their hands conceding, “Progress will resolve it all.”
Saw the manufacturers of Earth’s debris ignore another Green Peace call.
No one could tell me what to do;
No one had the ability to answer me.

What the world needs now is some accountability.
We can’t buy more time ‘cause time won’t accept our money.
If your soul needs love, you can always have my pity,
But it looks as though faith alone won’t sustain us no more.
What the world needs now is some answers to our problems.
We can’t buy more time 'cause our tender isn’t valid.
What the world needs now is some accountability.
If your soul needs love, you can get consoled by pity,
But faith alone won’t sustain us anymore.
Faith alone won’t sustain us anymore... [repeat and fade]

(Greg Graffin)
Random blobs of power expressed as that which we all disregard,
Ordered states of nature on a scale that no one thinks about.
Don’t speak to me of anarchy of peace or calm revolt,
Man, we’re in a play of slow decay orchestrated by Boltzmann.

It’s entropy, it’s not a human issue,
Entropy, it’s a matter of course.
Entropy, energy at all levels,
Entropy, from it you can not divorce.
And your pathetic moans of suffrage tend to lose all significance.

Extinction, degradation: The natural outcomes of our ordered lives.
Power, motivation: Temporary fixtures for which we strive.
Something in our synapses assures us we’re ok,
But in our disequilibrium we simply can not stay.

It’s entropy, it’s not a human issue,
Entropy, it’s a matter of course.
Entropy, energy at all levels,
Entropy, from it you can not divorce.

A stolid proposition from a man unkempt as I,
My affectatious I can not rectify,
But we are out of equilibrium unnaturally,
A pang of consciousness of death
And then you will agree.

It’s entropy.
Entropy, it's a matter of course.
Entropy, energy at all levels,
Entropy, from it you can not divorce.

(Greg Graffin)
Three thousand miles of wilderness
Overcome by the flow.
A lonely restitution of pavement,
Pomp and show,
I seek a thousand answers,
I find but one or two,
I maintain no discomfiture,
My path again renewed.

Against the grain,
That’s where I’ll stay.
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain.

Here labeled as a lunatic,
Sequestered and content,
There ignored and defeated
By the government.
There’s an oriented public
Whose magnetic force does pull,
But away from the potential of the individual.

Against the grain,
That’s where I’ll stay.
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain.

The flow is getting stronger
With smaller increments of time.
And Eddies of new ideas are
Increasingly hard to find,
You need all that the other has,
Your right to seize the day,
But in all your acquisitions
You will soon be swept away.

Against the grain,
That’s where I’ll stay.
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain.

There’s a common consensus
And an uncomfortable cheer,
A reverberating chorus that anyone can hear,
It sings “leave your cares behind you,
Just grab tenaciously”,
This lulling sense or purpose
Will destroy us rapidly.

Against the grain,
That’s where I’ll stay.
Swimming upstream,
I maintain against the grain.

(Greg Graffin)
It’s an S.O.S. sent out telepathically,
Signs of our distress don’t allow complacency,
We need restoration now of our integrity and a
Drastic bold reminder of our morality.

The rectifying troop is here,
The ones we have needed all these years
To stop the heinous wrongdoings and verify
Our moral benevolence as a people.

Operation! Operation rescue,
They’re here to right our fall,
They’ve heard a troubled call.

Operation! Operation rescue,
You may wonder where they come from,
But I just wonder why they're here at all.

Yayayayaya yayayayaya yayayayaya yayayaya.

Life ever-after is what they’re in business for,
See them brandish the key to our kingdom's door.
It’s persuasive, it’s a part of you and me
But it’s not overwhelming as they wish it to be.

If no one believed in fairy tales,
There would be nothing they could do but fail.
Yet everywhere we look someone is trying to reassure
Our moral benevolence as a people.

Operation! Operation rescue,
They’re here to right our fall,
They’ve heard someone’s troubled call.

Operation! Operation rescue,
You may wonder where they come from,
But I just wonder what compels them all.

Operation! Operation rescue,
Operation! Operation rescue,
You may wonder where they come from,
But I just wonder what compels them all.
Yaya yayaya yaya yayaya yaya yayaya.

(Greg Graffin)
And did those feet in ancient times
Trod on America’s pastures of green?
And did that anthropocentric god wane
With their thoughts and beliefs all unseen?

I don’t think so,
He’s up there with the others lying low,
Vying with those who you’ve traded
Your life to bless your soul.

And have they told you how to think,
Cleansed your mind of sepsis and autonomy?
Or have you escaped scrutiny,
And regaled yourself with depravity?

Now we all see, religion is just
Synthetic frippery, unnecessary
In our expanding global culture efficiency.

And don’t you fear this impasse
We have built to our future?
Ever so near,
And oh so austere.

(Brett Gurewitz)
I can’t believe it,
The way you look sometimes,
Like a trampled flag on a city street,
Oh yeah.

And I don’t want it,
The things you're offering me,
Symbolized bar code, quick ID,
Oh yeah.

I’m a 21st century digital boy,
I don’t know how to live
But I’ve got a lot of toys,
My daddy is a lazy middle class intellectual,
My mommy’s on valium,
She’s so ineffectual,
Ain’t life a mystery?

I can’t explain it,
The things they’re saying to me,
It’s going yayayayayayaya,
Oh yeah.

I’m a 21st century digital boy,
I don’t know how to read
But I’ve got a lot of toys,
My daddy is a lazy middle class intellectual,
My mommy’s on valium,
She’s so ineffectual,
Ain’t life a mystery?

I tried to tell you about no control,
But now I really don’t know.

And then you told me how bad you had to suffer,
Is that really all you have to offer?

See I’m a 21st century digital boy,
I don’t know how to read
But I’ve got a lot of toys,
My daddy is a lazy middle class intellectual,
My mommy’s on valium,
She’s so ineffectual,
Ain’t life a mystery?

Cat’s foot, iron claw, (21st century digital boy)
Neurosurgeons scream for more, (21st century digital boy)
Innocence raped with napalm fire, (21st century digital boy)
Anything I want, I really need. (21st century digital boy)

21st century schitzoid boy,
21st century video boy,
21st century digital boy,
21st century sofa boy...

(Greg Graffin)
So proud a history, replete with sanctity,
Orbs in their harmony, they sing their code to me.
Have you ever heard yourself in the orbit that you are in?
The terse, oppressive blanket that’s instilled here by our spin.

It’s misery and famine, it’s a force we cannot see,
Misery and famine, it compels us naturally.
Misery and famine, great ellipse, we bend to thee,
misery and famine, just accept your vagrancy.

Others who bear no name, who feel that life's a game,
My verse they will defame, we suffer all the same.
They pay no regard to their position or their speed,
But the firmament still covers them with its malevolent seed.

It’s misery and famine, it’s a force we cannot see,
Misery and famine, it compels us naturally.
Misery and famine, great ellipse, we bend to thee,
Misery and famine, just accept your vagrancy.

You look for meaning in things no one comprehends,
You feel no affinity to the rabble we’re in,
Sources of inquiry have nothing to portend,
They will perplex us all until the coming end, until the coming end.

A feeling of despair, hungry and full of care,
We resent everywhere the fortune that we share.
“This earth could be a better place” is a concept I condone,
Given our pathetic course our destiny is known.

It’s misery and famine, it’s a force we cannot see,
Misery and famine, it compels us naturally.
Misery and famine, great ellipse, we bend to thee,
Misery and famine, just accept your vagrancy.
Misery and famine,
Misery and famine,
Misery and famine,
Misery and famine.

(Jay Bentley)
Irreducible is the word for today,
Plastic compounds and nuclear waste,
What the hell is the matter with the people
On this planet? Have we all gone insane?
The stigma of industrial progress killing us
Over and over again.

One part per trillion...unacceptable!
One part per billion...unacceptable!
One part per million...unacceptable!
This mammoth pogrom set upon courtesy of the USA.

Inexcusable are the men before our time,
I’d like to kick their ass for what they left behind,
Cancer-causing chemicals, ozone-depleting aerosols:
We’re all going to fry, so put your head between your legs
And kiss your ass goodbye.

One part per trillion...unacceptable!
One part per billion...unacceptable!
One part per million...unacceptable!

(Repeat ad infinitum.)

(Greg Graffin)
Offer me eternity, and I'll trade a cup of coffee and a dime,
Looking for a handout behalf of those who have so little time.
But who wants to live on just 70 cents a day?
Padding your pockets doesn’t make this a better place,
Cereal and water is a feast for some, you say,
Your price tag on existence can’t cover your double-face.

Quality or quantity, quality or quantity,
Quality or quantity: A choice you have to make.

Dipping in the icing, bringing home the largest turkey from the field,
Breaking all the piggy banks, scooping up the booty,
Licking all the right holes, bolstering the payroll,
Why reduce life to a dollar amount per day?
And why let the world think this is the American way?
Your uneaten greens are a feast for some, you say,
Survival and living are concepts you can't equate.

Quality or quantity, quality or quantity,
Quality or quantity: Don’t tell me they're the same!

Quality or quantity, quality or quantity,
Quality or quantity: A choice you have to make.

(Brett Gurewitz)
Shut off the TV and peel off those sunday gloves,
And I’ll stain the clean that you've been counting.
Old Mr. Fletcher passed by here today,
After 40 years of toil he just stood up and walked away.

Fantastic the panic that showed in his eyes,
He shrugged when I asked him about it.
He said, “young man, pay heed, listen well to what I say,
Now there comes a time for a man to walk away.”

Walk away (walk away), I'll be a parade,
And I’ll be determined that no one shall dissuade
On my way, I’ll sure take some time
To burn all the bridges that I’m leaving behind.

He passed by again and he was shivering from the cold,
I'm not sure but I think that he was trying.
He told me about the weather and something old to pay,
“But tomorrow”, he said, “I’m gonna surely walk away.”

Walk away (walk away), I’ll be a parade,
And I’ll be determined that no one shall dissuade
On my way, I’ll take my sweet time
To burn all the bridges that I'm leaving behind.

:: ‘til the next! ::

quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2008


(Greg Graffin)
Hey sit down and listen and they’ll tell you when you're wrong.
Eradicate but vindicate as “progress” creeps along.
Puritan work ethic maintains its subconscious edge
As Old Glory maintains your consciousness.

There’s a loser in the house, and a puppet on a stool,
And a crowded way of life, and a black reflecting pool,
And as the people bend, the moral fabric dies,
The country can’t pretend to ignore its people's cries.

You are the government. You are jurisprudence.
You are the volition. You are jurisdiction.
And I make a difference too.

1.000 MORE FOOLS(Brett Gurewitz)
I heard them say that the meek shall reign on earth,
Phantasmal myriads of sane bucolic birth.
I've seen the rapture in a starving baby’s eyes,
Inchoate beatitude, the Lord of the Flies.

So what does it mean when your mind starts to stray?
Kaleidoscoping images of love on the way.
Brother you’d better get down on your knees and pay.
1000 more fools are being born every fucking day.

They try to tell me that the lamb is on the way,
With microwave transmissions they bombard us every day.
The masses are obsequious, contented in their sleep.
The vortex of their minds ensconsed within the murky deep.

So what does it mean when your mind starts to stray?
Kaleidoscoping images of love on the way.
Brother you'd better get down on your knees and pay.
1000 more fools are being born every fucking day.

Tell me can the hateful chain be broken?
Production and consumption define our hollow lives.
Avarice has led us ‘cross the ocean,
Toward a land that’s better, much more bountiful and wide.

When will mankind finally come to realize
His surfeit has become his demise?
How much is enough to kill yourself?
That quantity is known today, as we blow ourselves away.

Tell me is there anything so sure?
Rapacity, tenacity, capacity for more!
Like a dog that feeds until he suffers,
The infirmity of man is brought on by his selfish cure.
When will mankind finally come to realize
His surfeit has become his demise?
How much is enough to kill yourself?
That quantity is known today, as we blow ourselves away.


(Greg Graffin)
I’ve seen a lot of things in five years,
I struggle just to hold back the tears,
But every-fucking-where I go, I see the pathos that I know
Will spell the termination of us all.

Someone’s got to tell me, do you see
That everything around you has a hidden tragedy?
Seeds of happiness have never found a place to grow,
And our generation doesn't know.

When, when, when will you try
To change the logarithmic pace of kissing things goodbye?
When, when, when will you know
That human life is so short, and death is oh-so-slow?

I’ve tried to make things make sense, but I can’t,
I’m happy just to watch them all and laugh.
And if you think you’ve got it made,
Just revel in your selfish ways,
‘Cause when the world stops turning, so will you!
When, when, when will you try
to change the logarithmic pace of kissing things goodbye?
When, when, when will you know
That human life is so short, and death is oh-so-slow?


(Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz)
Hey, everybody's looking but they never can see,
All the angst, corruption and the dishonesty.
Think about the times and places you’ve never known,
You're a man-swarm atom and yet you’re alone,
So I give you me, I give you nothing!
I give you me, I give you nothing!

So you got a place that you can call all your own,
But you make a habit of carrying the stone.
Look around and ask someone if you are alive,
You’re a sidewalk cipher speaking prionic jive,
So I give you me, I give you nothing!
I give you me, I give you nothing!

Respectable, despicable, it seems all the same.
Now we realize that we have nothing to say.
If your reserve is weak, audacity complete.
Ask yourself again, “Do I deserve much from them?”

Hey, everybody's looking but they never can see,
All the angst, corruption and the dishonesty.
Look around and ask someone if you are alive,
You’re a sidewalk cipher speaking prionic jive,
So I give you me, I give you nothing!
I said I give you me, I give you nothing!


(Greg Graffin)
See there’s a girl who’s afraid of the world so she stays at home.
Next there’s a boy who seems so lost in his joy, he’s all alone.
The camera’s on them, they're in the land of competition.
Southern California air feeds them.
And they know they are best ‘cuz of the way they are dressed,
But you can bet you are not welcome in their home.

See there’s a girl who sits and watches the world from her blue screen.
Also a boy who truly wants to destroy his hometown scene.
They both want to travel to the land of competition.
Southern California will destroy them,
And they won’t be the best, they’ll be the poseurs who dress
Like the plastic idiots who they copy.

Tell me what do you need to make you happy? Indeed, is it out of your reach?
Beware of number one, see all the damage it has done, there are so few of them.
You won’t find too many in the land of competition.
Southern California doesn’t breed them.
If you just want the best turn to yourself for the rest
And forget about the ones who “have it all.”
Be careful of the ones who “have it all.”
Be careful of the ones who “have it all.”
Forget about the ones who “have it all.”


(Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz)
There was a boy who had too many toys and an ache inside of his bones.
He sought extrication through chemical vocation and now he answers to Jones.

It’s deadly and alluring, the sound of pounding heat,
Enslaving all who dare succumb to the temptations of the forbidden beat.

Thinking today of what I want to say, thinking of inhibition and vice.
What they call straight I do relegate as I cautiously saltate along.

It’s deadly and alluring, the sound of pounding heat,
Enslaving all who dare succumb to the temptations of the forbidden beat.

It thunders away at first light of each day and the simpleton lifestyle evolves
But soon enters dusk as the last surrey rusts and a new day upon us results.
It's deadly and alluring, the sound of pounding heat,
Enslaving all who dare succumb to the temptations of the forbidden beat.
Forbidden Beat


(Greg Graffin)
Above us lay the burdens, below us lay the truth.
We’re somewhere in the middle, and we’re all discontent too.
Is someone watching over you?
Inside they know what’s best for you.

Judgement’s not tomorrow, its today (yes now it’s here).
But no it isn’t Jesus, take a look at all your peers.
They’re all looking down on you.
Inside they know what’s best for you...
Everybody knows what’s best for you!

(Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz)
Did you ever see the concrete stares of everyday?
The lunatic, the hypocrite, are all lost in the fray.
Can’t you see their lives are just like yours?

An unturned stone, an undiscovered
Door leading to the gift of hope renewed, eternity for you.
The masses of humanity have always had to suffer.

The businessman whose master plan controls the world each day
Is blind to indications of his species’ slow decay.
Can’t you see his life is just like yours?

An unturned stone, an undiscovered
Door leading to the gift of hope renewed, eternity for you.
The masses of humanity have always had to suffer.

People blow their minds (they choose to resign)
This deformed society is part of the design.
It’ll never go away (it’s in the cards that way).
The masses of humanity have always, always had to suffer!
A door leading to the gift of hope renewed, eternity for you.
The masses of humanity, still clinging to their dignity,
The masses of humanity will always have to suffer.
Always have to suffer.

(Brett Gurewitz)
Life is the sieve through which my anarchy strains,
Resolving itself into works.
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written:
A timeless, swirling, gyroscopic horde.

Delirium... delirium... of disorder.

Yeah, I am just an atom in an ectoplasmic sea,
Without direction or a reason to exist.
The anechoic nebula rotating in my brain
Is persuading me contritely to persist.
Delirium of disorder. Delirium of disorder.

(Brett Gurewitz)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

It’s superficial progress, they call it liberation.
With opiates of silicon, Big Brother schemes to rule the nation.
We're one nation under God, we stand above the rest;
With mighty high technology, we’re never second best.
Our specialty is infiltration!
Prepare yourself for subjugation,
Victory through domination.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
The trepidatious throngs all fear the big eye in the sky.
The government observes them with their own electric eye.
We’re one nation under God, we stand above the rest;
With mighty high technology, we’re never second best.
Our specialty is infiltration!
Prepare yourself for subjugation.

Automatons, illiterates, and indigents of every shape and size
Don’t stop but aid this cruel crusade, participate in their own demise.
We're one nation under God, we stand above the rest;
With mighty high technology, we’re never second best.
Our specialty is infiltration!
So pack your bags you third-world nation,
Victory through domination.


(Greg Graffin)
So you waste another day getting older and gray in the head,
And you're hearing lots of stories ‘bout the happy times you have ahead.
There are other folks in power so you kick back and get farther behind,
And although the world rotates itself the only thing you twist is your mind.

You see, the world's falling apart at the rifts,
And surprisingly, the leaders can’t make any sense of it.
You mean nothing to the world, we’re all someone else’s fool,
But oh, what can you do?

“Yeah you waste your time with losers if you get stuck in a rock-n-roll band.”
Do you find it more rewarding to compete with morons throughout this land?
They seem to be in power so I’ll kick back and get farther behind.
And I watch them as they fuck up every good thing on this earth with their “minds.”

You see, the world’s falling apart at the rifts,
And surprisingly, the leaders can’t make any sense of it.
You mean nothing to the world, we're all someone else’s fool,
But oh, what can you do?

Yeah you waste another day getting older and gray in the head,
And we're hearing lots of stories ‘bout the happy times we have ahead.
The morons are in power so we kick back and get farther behind,
And we watch them as they fuck up every good thing on this earth with their “minds.”
You see, the world’s falling apart at the rifts,
And surprisingly, the leaders can’t make any sense of it.
We mean nothing to the world, we’re all someone else’s fool,
But oh, what can you do?
I said, oh, what can you do?


(Brett Gurewitz)
Hey do what you want, but don't do it around me.
Idleness and dissipation breed apathy.
I sit on my ass all goddamn day,
A misanthropic anthropoid with nothing to
Say what you must, do all you can,
Break all the fucking rules and
Go to Hell with Superman and
Die like a champion, yeah hey!
Hey I don’t know if the billions will survive,
But I’ll believe in God when 1 and 1 are 5.
My moniker is man and I’m rotten to the core.
I’ll tear down the building just to pass through the door.
So do what you must, do all you can,
Break all the fucking rules and
Go to Hell with Superman and
Die like a champion, yeah hey!

(Greg Graffin)
We’re widespread and well fed,
The earth’s rotating fate is in our head, oh yeah.
We’re dominant and prominent,
And all our deities omnipotent, oh yeah.

And immortality’s in our mastermind,
And we destroy everything we can find.
And tomorrow when the human clock stops and the world stops ticking,
We’ll be an index fossil buried in our own debris.

We’re listless, promiscuous,
And life to us is either hit or miss, oh yeah.
We're savoir faire and debonaire
And things we do are done with pride and care, oh yeah.

And immortality’s in our mastermind,
And we destroy everything that we find.
And tomorrow when the human clock stops and the world stops ticking,
We’ll be an index fossil buried in our own debris.

See, immortality’s in our mastermind,
And we destroy everything that we find.
And tomorrow when the human clock stops and the world stops ticking,
We’ll be an index fossil buried in our own debris.
In our own debris.


(Greg Graffin)
So here we are again to experience the bitter, scalding end
And we’re the only ones who can perceive it.
But others sing of beauty and the story that’s unfolded
As one that deserves praise and ritual.

My pessimistic lines, your superstitious lives,
And the modern age’s lies won’t absolve you.
And the professorial truth, and the dear clairvoyant youth,
And of course the nightly news will deceive you.
(Watch out!)

My pessimistic lines, your superstitious lives,
And the modern age’s lies won’t absolve you.
And the professorial truth, and the dear clairvoyant youth,
And of course the nightly news will deceive you.
(Let’s go!)

:: til 'the next! ::

quarta-feira, 25 de junho de 2008


:: 2006 ::

Nada mal pr'um boçal,
Retardado mental, infeliz.
Tanto quis ser o tal,
Conhecido entre os mais imbecis.

Muito bem: você tem o talento
que faz de você tão proeminente panaca,
dos que não são comuns de se ver.

Começou fazendo bobagem desde que chegou,
Não parou nem quando o bar todo esvaziou.

Bebe demais, fala demais,
mas na real não diz merda nenhuma!

Só fica aí cheio de si,
Mas não resolve as cagadas que arruma.

Enquanto você fica aí arrumando tumulto,
Eu vou me aprimorando na Arte do Insulto.

Vai chegar de madrugada e ela vai querer saber
Onde foi, aonde esteve, o que foi fazer
Mas à todas as perguntas sabe responder
Tem um plano A e tem um plano B

Se você nunca se contradiz
Não abre mão do que te faz feliz
Se não há nada que abale sua paz
Já nasceu sabendo como é que se faz
e todo segue do jeito que sempre quis

Temos um sócio no Clube dos Canalhas
Não admitimos que apontem nossas falhas
Queremos todo dia tudo isso que a vida tem de bom

Farra para tudo é um bom remédio
Só um idiota completo morre de tédio
Queremos todo dia tudo isso que a vida tem de bom

Sabe o quanto é importante não dar muita explicação
Não há nada de extraordinário na situação
O segredo do sucesso é a moderação
ter um dia sim e ter um dia não

Se você nunca se contradiz
Não abre mão do que te faz feliz
Se não há nada que abale sua paz
Já nasceu sabendo como é que se faz
e todo segue do jeito que sempre quis

Temos um sócio no Clube dos Canalhas
Não admitimos que apontem nossas falhas
Queremos todo dia tudo isso que a vida tem de bom

Farra para tudo é um bom remédio
Só um idiota completo morre de tédio
Queremos todo dia tudo isso que a vida tem de bom.

Dia quente, pestilento, sem porquê.
Não consigo nem pensar no que fazer...
Eis que de repente eu vejo tudo melhorar,
Como se eu pudesse ouvir o copo me chamar!

Vem pro bar, vem pro bar, vem pro bar!
Vem pro bar, vem pro bar, vem pro bar!

Não devo nada pra ninguém,
Bebo se eu estiver a fim.
Minha vida é minha,
E a sua que se foda!

Não deveria fazer o que eu faço
Passar o que eu passo, beber o que eu bebo
Não deveria dizer o que eu digo
Vivendo em perigo, o que é que eu recebo?

Coisas que eu faço sabendo que
Eu posso morrer
Coisas que eu faço na hora em que
Eu penso em você

Não saberia dizer o que eu quero
Quem eu espero, em quem acredito
Não saberia dizer o que vejo
Quando eu desejava era ter destruído

Coisas que eu faço sabendo que
Eu posso morrer
Coisas que eu faço na hora em que
Eu penso em você

Não poderia ser de outro jeito
O que eu tenho feito não é bonito
Não poderia ser diferente
Com toda essa gente me olhando

Coisas que eu faço sabendo que
Eu posso morrer
Coisas que eu faço na hora em que
Eu penso em você

Não deveria fazer o que eu faço
Passar o que eu passo, beber o que eu bebo
Não deveria dizer o que eu digo
Vivendo em perigo, o que é que eu recebo?

Coisas que eu faço sabendo que
Eu posso morrer
Coisas que eu faço na hora em que
Eu penso em você

Aproveita agora pra fazer piada
Por que você vai sair daqui sem nada
E como você vai voltar pra casa, eu não sei

Quando você blefa sua mão se move
Agora eu sei que você não tem mais
Que um par de noves
E eu tenho um four de reis

Gostou de apostar
Mas quando todo seu dinheiro acabar
Você vai repensar
Tudo aquilo que fez
E que não fez
E que não vai

Quem perde sai
Fica só quem sabe jogar
Cada um que saiba de si
Pague e desocupe o lugar

Só de ficha aqui vai um dinheiro forte
Acho que alguém vai precisar de sorte
Se não tiver o jogo na sua mão

Não quero aqui te chamar de otário
Mas você já tá fora desse páreo
E o que é hiário,você já perdeu sua

Estava parado, bebendo cerveja, sozinho na porta do bar
Mas como nada é perfeito, tô vendo um sujeito que vem reclamar
Dizendo que a vaga em que eu tinha parado meu carro era particular,
Tinha um tal que é dono da rua, e fica na sua que o cara já ta vindo aqui,
Te matar...

É impressionante como eu nunca faço nada.
É sempre a confusão que vem até aqui.
Falo isso para o meu psiquiatra,
Mas é claro, ele não entende.

No dia seguinte parei a pick-up num posto perto daqui,
Não tinha placa dizendo que tipo de música devia ouvir,
Podiam pedir de maneira educada, mas preferiram latir.
Peguei a chave de roda que sempre resolve esse tipo de situação
Por aqui...

É impressionante como eu nunca faço nada.
É sempre a confusão que vem até aqui.
Falo isso para o meu psiquiatra,
Mas é claro, ele não entende.

Não me faça nenhum favor
Não espere nada de mim
Não me fale seja o que for
Sinto muito que seja assim

Como se fizesse a diferença
O que você acha ruim
Como se eu tivesse prometido
Alguma coisa pra você
Eu nunca disse que faria o que é direito
Não se conserta o que já nasce com defeito
Não tem jeito
Não há nada a se fazer

Mesmo que eu pudesse controlar a minha raiva
Mesmo que eu quisesse conviver com a minha dor
Nada sairia do lugar que já estava
Não seria nada diferente do que sou

Não quero me veja
Não quero que me chame
Não quero que me diga
Não quero que reclame
Eu espero que você entenda bem
Eu não gosto de ninguém

Eu fui condenado a ser enforcado
Hoje ao meio dia pra sua alegria
Não me deram nada, nem mesmo um cigarro
Me jogaram pedra, mas passou de lado

Veio muita gente pra me ver morrendo
Bem na minha frente, para o reverendo
Oportunidade que eu diria rara
De chamar seu nome e cuspir na cara

Todos ao diabo, antes que eu me esqueça
Corda no pescoço, preço na cabeça
E não importa o que aconteça
Eu volto do inferno pra pegar todos vocês

Não sinto remorso, muito menos medo
Não contei os mortos, não guardei segredo
Não existe nada em que eu acredite
A minha verdade era a dinamite

Mesmo procurado por assassinato
Fui comer a puta, fui capturado
Eis me aqui agora, com o destino à frente
E uma bola de ferro presa na corrente.

Violenta, imoral, injustificável
Qualidades da cachaça que acabou comigo
Consciente da ruína desse estado lamentável
Posso dizer que vou parar, mas eu sei que não consigo

Ressaca sem fim

Muita dor de cabeça
Puro gosto de gin
Sede insaciável
Maldita ressaca sem fim

Convivendo com a verdade do dia seguinte
As ideias que eram boas são insuportáveis
A mulher que era linda vai ficando muito feia
Os que eram meus amigos são apenas miseráveis

Ergam seus copos por quem vai partir
Longo será o caminho a seguir
Nada será como costuma ser
Nada vai ser fácil pra você

Não faça o mesmo que fez o seu pai
Não leve armas lá aonde vai
Tantos eu já vi pagando pra ver
Não dá tempo de se arrepender
Nada que já não deva saber
Não há nada que não possa ter

Quero que a estrada venha sempre até você
E que o vento esteja sempre a seu favor
Quero que haja sempre uma cerveja em sua mão
E que esteja ao seu lado, seu grande amor

Eu me despeço de todos vocês
Muitos aqui não verei outra vez
Fora o inverno e o tempo ruim
Eu não sei o que espera por mim
Mas pouco importa o que venha a ser
Se eu tiver um dia a quem dizer

Desconheço quem tenha razão
Acho perda de tempo qualquer discussão
Em defesa daquilo que o serve
Muito se fala,pouco se escreve
Há quem saiba o que ninguém mais sabe
Há quem veja o que ninguém mais vê

Quem leva a sério o quê?
Quem quer saber de quê?
Quem pode me dizer
Como exatamente todo mundo deveria ser

Coerência na persuasão
Pré-estabelecida está a conclusão
Se eu falar sobre o que não entendem
Poucos escutam,muitos se ofendem
A verdade é que não há verdade
Tudo é porque não há não ser.

Rápido, garçom, me traga seu melhor whisky
Esse seu amigo aqui só tem mais meia hora
Até que diabo descubra que morri
E venha me levar embora

Desculpe garçom pela pressa
Mas eu não tenho outra saída
Eis todo meu dinheiro
Traga-me tudo em bebida

O pouco tempo que me resta
Que seja bem aproveitado
Não faço questão de festa
Mas quero estar embriagado

Nada eu levo da vida
O que eu tenho é o que há no meu carro
Meus vinte melhores amigos
Estão num maço de cigarros

Adeus meu bom amigo
Adeus e muito obrigado
Espero beber contigo
No bar que há lá do outro lado.

Nós estamos todos bêbados
Bêbados de cair
E todos que não estiverem bêbados
Dêem o fora daqui

Lançava-se ao mar,
o comandante Nobrum
Passava o dia no barco pescando
mas nunca nos trouxe um atum
Tanta sabedoria e prática além do comum
Dizem que se atribuía
a várias garrafas de rum

Somos amigos em terra
Somos amigos no mar
Juntos fomos à guerra
Juntos estamos no bar

Nós estamos todos bêbados
Bêbados de cair
E todos que não estiverem bêbados
Dêem o fora daqui

O açougueiro sem dedo
que trabalhava no cais
Passava o dia fazendo piada
da falta que o dedo lhe faz
Dizia com riso amarelo: "Ouça bem meu rapaz,
Ao trabalhar com o cutelo nunca beba demais"

Somos amigos em terra
Somos amigos no mar
Juntos fomos à guerra
Juntos estamos no bar

Estamos todos bêbados
Bêbados de cair
E todos que não estiverem bêbados
Dêem o fora daqui

Marquade alimentava as caldeiras do velho vapor
A despeito do vento, sufocava o calor
O teto de ferro fundido, sol direto na chapa
Tudo já resolvido com duas garrafas de grapa.

Somos amigos em terra
Somos amigos no mar
Juntos fomos à guerra
Juntos estamos no bar

Estamos todos bêbados
Bêbados de cair
E todos que não estiverem bêbados
Dêem o fora daqui

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2008


:: 2005 ::

My mama always taught me that good things come from adversity if we put our faith in the Lord.
We couldn't see much good in the flood waters when they
were causing us to have to leave home,
But when the water went down,
We found that it had washed a load of rich black bottom dirt across our land.
The following year we had the best cotton crop we'd ever had.

I remember hearing:

How high's the water, mama?
Two feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Two feet high and risin'

We can make it to the road in a homemade boat
That's the only thing we got left that'll float
It's already over all the wheat and the oats,
Two feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Three feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Three feet high and risin'

Well, the hives are gone,
I've lost my bees
The chickens are sleepin'
In the willow trees
Cow's in water up past her knees,
Three feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Four feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Four feet high and risin'

Hey, come look through the window pane,
The bus is comin', gonna take us to the train
Looks like we'll be blessed with a little more rain,
4 feet high and risin'

How high's the water, mama?
Five feet high and risin'
How high's the water, papa?
Five feet high and risin'

Well, the rails are washed out north of town
We gotta head for higher ground
We can't come back till the water comes down,
Five feet high and risin'

Well, it's five feet high and risin'

Well, readin' and writin' and arithmetic
Never did get through to me
It ain't because I'm square or thick
'Cause I learned my A-B-C
But when I graduated from the grammar school
And I moved one grade above
I began to be a snook at books
But I made straight A's in love

Now the teacher would say
Learn your algebra
But I'd bring home C's and D's
How could I make an A
When there's a swingin' maid
On the left and on the right
And in the back and the front of me

All my grades are low
On my card I know
But they oughta give me one above
If they'd give me a mark
For learnin' in the dark
I'd have straight A's in love

Now, in my senior year
With graduation near
I did my homework every night
And when my mama said
I oughta go to bed
I'd turn out all the lights
But my sweetie pie
Was waitin' right outside
She'd be a cooin' like a dove
Though I did my best
I failed semester test
But I made straight A's in love

Now the teacher would say
Learn your algebra
But I'd bring home C's and D's
How could I make an A
When there's a swingin' maid
On the left and on the right
And in the back and the front of me

All my grades are low
On my card I know
But they oughta give me one above
If they'd give me a mark
For learnin' in the dark
I'd have straight A's in love

I saved a lot of money my fortune was untold
And like a fool I idealized my silver and my gold
My earthly treasure's mounted but when I counted through
I realized the treasure I had overlooked was you

My treasure unmeasured but forsaken of the treasures that come from above
My treasure unmeasured but it don't hold a heart of the one that I love

If I had my life before me if I could see it all
I'd stake my claim on things that are secured against downfall
I'd work for earthly treasures like any man would do
But I set my sights much higher and I'd be sure that I had you

My treasure unmeasured unmeasured...

San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me
You've hosted me since nineteen sixty three
I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die
And long ago I stopped askin' why

San Quentin, I hate evry inch of you.
You've cut me and have scarred me thru an' thru.
And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man;
Mister Congressman why can't you understand.

San Quentin, what good do you think you do?
Do you think I'll be different when you're through?
You bent my heart and mind and you may my soul,
And your stone walls turn my blood a little cold.

San Quentin, may you rot and burn in hell.
May your walls fall and may I live to tell.
May all the world forget you ever stood.
And may all the world regret you did no good.

San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me.
You take this hammer take it to the capt hey take this hammer take it to the capt
Take this hammer take it to the capt you can tell him I'm gone tell him I'm gone
Cause I ain't gonna take no more kicks and whippings
No I ain't gonna take no kicks and whipping
I ain't gonna take no more no more this kicks and whippings
You can tell him I'm gone gone gone you can tell him I'm gone
Captain call me a hard headed devil well the captain call me a hard headed devil
Well the captain call me you hard headed devil
And that ain't my name that ain't my name
Well the Captain got a big gun bout a 99 calibre
Uuh Captain got a big gun bout a 99 calibre
Well the captain got a big gun bout a 99 calibre
He gonna shoot me down if he ever catches me gonna shoot me down
But you tell him that I went where the great goose goes
Tell him that I'm gone where the great goose goes
Tell him I'm gone tell him I'm gone just tell him I'm gone
Take this hammer take it to the capt hey take this hammer take it to the capt

Well you come on thinking for open the door
You better pick on your feet or gonna fall on the floor
I keep on telling you and I tell you some more
you better leave that junk alone and drink water

Lord that liquor is hard drink water
You don't wanna be assault
You better lay down the bottle
And put it on the top and drink


Well your eyes are begging and the bloodshot are ready
It's been a weak or two since you've been in bed
You better pay attention to what I say
You better leave that junk alone and drink water

Lord that liquor is hard drink water
You don't wanna be assault
You better lay down the bottle
And put it on the top and drink


Well I forgive for you running around
If you just promess that you come unwild
I buy you anything that you want in town
If you leave that junk alone and drink water

Lord that liquor is hard drink water
You don't wanna be assault
You better lay down the bottle
And put it on the top and drink

Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry,
and I showed the clouds how to cover up a clear blue sky.
And the tears that I cried for that woman are gonna flood you Big River.
Then I'm gonna sit right here until I die.

I met her accidentally in St. Paul (Minnesota).
And it tore me up ev'ry time I heard her drawl, Southern drawl.
Then I heard my dream was back downstream cavortin' in Davenport,
And I followed you, Big River, when you called.

Then you took me to St. Louis later on (down the river).
A freighter said she's been here but she's gone, boy, she's gone.
I found her trail in Memphis, but she just walked up the block.
She raised a few eyebrows and then she went on down alone.

Now, won't you batter down by Baton Rouge, River Queen, roll it on.
Take that woman on down to New Orleans, New Orleans.
Go on, I"ve had enough; dump my blues down in the gulf.
She loves you, Big River, more than me.

Well the Bible tells us about a man
Who ruled Babylon and all it's land
Around the city he built a wall
And declared that Babylon would never fall

He had concubines and wives
He called his Babylon "Paradise"
On his throne he drank and ate
But for Belshazzer it was getting late

For he was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His kingdom was divided, couldn't stand
He was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His houses were built upon the sand

The people feast and drank their wine
And praised the false gods of his time
All holy things were scorned and mocked
But suddenly all their mocking stopped

For on the wall there appeared a hand
Nothing else, there was no man
And but, the hand began to write
And Belshazzar couldn't hide his fright

For he was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His kingdom was divided, couldn't stand
He was weighed in the balance and found wanting
His houses were built upon the sand

Well no one around could understand
What was written by the mystic hand
Belshazzar tried but couldn't find
A man who could give him piece of mind

But Daniel the prophet, the man of God
He saw the writing on the wall in blood
Belshazzar asked him what it said
And Daniel turned to the wall and read

"My friend your weighed in the balance and found wanting
Your kingdom was divided, it can't stand
Your weighed in the balance and found wanting
Your houses were built upon the sand"

Don't call my name out your window, I'm leaving
I won't even turn my head
Don't send your kin folks to give me no talkin'
I'll be gone like I said
You'd say the same old things that you've been saying all along
Lay there in your bed and keep your mouth shut 'til I'm gone
Don't give me that old familiar cryin' cussin' moan,
Understand your man (I'm tired of your badmouthin')
Understand your man.

You can give my other suits to the Salvation Army
And everything else I leave behind.
I ain't takin' nothing that'll slow down my travelin'
While I'm untanglin' my mind.

I ain't gonna repeat what I said anymore
While I'm breathin' air that ain't been breathed before
I'll be as gone as a wild goose in winter
Then you'll understand your man (meditate on it)
Understand your man (you hear me talkin')
Understand your man (remember what I told ya)

WIDE OPEN ROADWell, you said you had enough
You said that you were leaving
I said, shove off honey, baby I ain't grieving
Pack your bags and pull out this evening
There's a wide open road
Early this morning you were nowhere about
And so I seached the town, but you had done pulled out
I looked north, east and west and then a-leading south
I saw a wide open road

There's a wide open road
It's leading south from my abode
If you stick a round and turn your damper down
There's a wide open road

Well, the reason I was looking for you all over town
Was to tell you that your kitty cat is still around
And you left your wedding ring when you went down
That wide open road
If you're gonna stay away, then honey let me know
How to cook hot biscuits, how to roll the dough
Everything's gone crazy since I told you to go
Down the wide open road

There's a wide open road
And honey, I want you to know
You can look down south or you can turn back home
And there's a wide open road

CRY, CRY, CRYEverybody knows where you go when the sun goes down.
I think you only live to see the lights of town.
I wasted my time when I would try, try, try.
When the lights have lost their glow, you're gonna cry, cry, cry.

I lie awake at night and wait 'til you come in.
You stay a little while and then you're gone again.
Every question that I ask, I get a lie, lie, lie.
For every lie you tell, you're gonna cry, cry, cry.
You're gonna cry, cry, cry and you'll cry alone,
When everyone's forgotten and you're left on your own.
You're gonna cry, cry, cry.

Soon your sugar-daddies will all be gone.
You'll wake up some cold day and find you're alone.
You'll call to me but I'm gonna tell you: "Bye, bye, bye,"
When I turn around and walk away, you'll cry, cry, cry,

When your fickle little love gets old, no one will care for you.
You'll come back to me for a little love that's true.
I'll tell you no and you gonna ask me why, why, why?
When I remind you of all of this, you'll cry, cry, cry.

You're gonna cry, cry, cry and you'll cry alone,
When everyone's forgotten and you're left on your own.
You're gonna cry, cry, cry.

You're gonna cry, cry, cry and you'll want me there,
It'll hurt when you think of the fool you've been.
You're gonna cry, cry, cry

DON'T TAKE YOUR GUNS TO TOWNA young cowboy named Billy Joe
Grew restless on the farm
A boy filled with wanderlust
Who really meant no harm
He changed his clothes and shined his boots
And combed his dark hair down
And his mother cried as he walked out;

"Don't take your guns to town, son
Leave your guns at home, Bill
Don't take your guns to town."

He sang a song as on he rode,
His guns hung at his hips
He rode into a cattle town,
A smile upon his lips
He stopped and walked into a bar and laid his money down
But his mother's words echoed again;

"Don't take your guns to town, son
Leave your guns at home, Bill
Don't take your guns to town."

He drank his first strong liquor then to calm his shaking hand
And tried to tell himself at last he had become a man
A dusty cowpoke at his side began to laugh him down
And he heard again his mother's words;

"Don't take your guns to town, son
Leave your guns at home, Bill
Don't take your guns to town."

Bill was raged and Billy Joe reached for his gun to draw
But the stranger drew his gun and fired before he even saw
As Billy Joe fell to the floor the crowd all gathered 'round
And wondered at his final words;

"Don't take your guns to town, son
Leave your guns at home, Bill
Don't take your guns to town."

HOME OF THE BLUESJust around the corner there's heartache
Down the street that losers use
If you can wade in through the teardrops
You'll find me at the Home of the Blues

I walk and cry while my heartbeat
Keeps time with the drag of my shoes
The sun never shines through this window of mine
It's dark at the Home of the Blues

Oh, but the place is filled with the sweetest mem'ries
Mem'ries so sweet that I cry
Dreams that I've had left me feeling so bad
I just want to give up and lay down and die

So if you've just lost your sweetheart
And it seems there's no good way to choose
Come along with me, misery loves company
You're welcome at the Home of the Blues

Just around the corner there's heartache
Down the street that losers use
If you can wade in through the teardrops
You'll find me at the Home of the Blues
Yeah, you're gonna find me at the Home of the Blues

I GOT STRIPESOn A Monday I Was Ar-rested (Uh Huh)
On A Tuesday They Locked Me In The Jail (Oh Boy)
On A Wednesday My Trial Was At-tested
On A Thursday They Said Guilty And The Judge's Gavel Fell

I Got Stripes. Stripes Around My Shoulders
I Got Chains... Chains Around My Feet
I Got Stripes... Stripes Around My Shoulders
And Them Chains... Them Chains They're About To Drag Me Down

On A Monday My Momma Come To See Me
On A Tuesday They Caught Me With A File
On A Wednesday I'm Down In Solitary
On A Thursday I Start On Bread And Water For A While

I Got Stripes. Stripes Around My Shoulders
I Got Chains... Chains Around My Feet
I Got Stripes... Stripes Around My Shoulders
And Them Chains... Them Chains They're About To Drag Me Down

I Got Stripes... Stripes Around My Shoulders
I Got Chains... Chains Around My Feet
I Got Stripes... Stripes Around My Shoulders
And Them Chains... Them Chains They're About To Drag Me

:: :: :: :: 'til the next! :: :: ::